13jf -- Persons suspected of solved offences living permanently in Finland by nationality, age, sex, calculation method and year of solving per 1,000 population, 2000-2021
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- Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2021 (22)
- Offence group and specifier for criminal act: Offences and infractions total, 1 Offences against penal code, 11 Offences against property, 1101 Total of thefts 28:1-3, ..., 26 Offences against other Acts and Decrees (190)
- Nationality: TOTAL, Finland, FOREIGN COUNTRIES, TOTAL, EUROPE, ..., Unknown (87)
- Suspect's sex: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
- Suspect's age: Total, 0 - 14, 0 - 17, 18 -, ..., Unknown (8)
- Information: Persons suspected of solved offences, Suspects per 10,000 population, Number of offence headings for suspects of solved offences, Suspects by number of offence categories per 10,000 population, ..., Suspects by the most aggravated offence of the year per 10,000 population (6)