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11cc -- Consumer confidence: Time series of balance figures and response distributions, 1995M10-2024M06

Choose variables

A1 Consumer confidence indicator, CCI = (B1+B2+B4+E1)/4:
B1 Own economy now (balance):
B11 Own economy now: Much better (%):
B12 Own economy now: Somewhat better (%):
B13 Own economy now: The same (%):
B14 Own economy now: Somewhat worse (%):
B15 Own economy now: Much worse (%):
B16 Own economy now: Don't know (%):
B2 Own economy in 12 months' time (balance):
B21 Own economy in 12 months' time: Much better (%):
B22 Own economy in 12 months' time: Somewhat better (%):
B23 Own economy in 12 months' time: The same (%):
B24 Own economy in 12 months' time: Somewhat worse (%):
B25 Own economy in 12 months' time: Much worse (%):
B26 Own economy in 12 months' time: Don't know (%):
B3 Finland's economy now (balance):
B31 Finland's economy now: Much better (%):
B32 Finland's economy now: Somewhat better (%):
B33 Finland's economy now: The same (%):
B34 Finland's economy now: Somewhat worse (%):
B35 Finland's economy now: Much worse (%):
B36 Finland's economy now: Don't know (%):
B4 Finland's economy in 12 months' time (balance):
B41 Finland's economy in 12 months' time: Much better (%):
B42 Finland's economy in 12 months' time: Somewhat better (%):
B43 Finland's economy in 12 months' time: The same (%):
B44 Finland's economy in 12 months' time: Somewhat worse (%):
B45 Finland's economy in 12 months' time: Much worse (%):
B46 Finland's economy in 12 months' time: Don't know (%):
B5 Consumer prices now (Inflation %):
B51 Consumer prices now: Much higher (%):
B52 Consumer prices now: Quite much higher (%):
B53 Consumer prices now: Somewhat higher (%):
B54 Consumer prices now: On the same level (%):
B55 Consumer prices now: Lower (%):
B56 Consumer prices now: Don't know (%):
B6 Consumer prices in 12 months' time (Inflation %):
B61 Consumer prices in 12 months' time: Rise faster than now (%):
B62 Consumer prices in 12 months' time: Rise at the same rate as now (%):
B63 Consumer prices in 12 months' time: Rise more slowly than now (%):
B64 Consumer prices in 12 months' time: Stay on the present level (%):
B65 Consumer prices in 12 months' time: Fall from the present level (%):
B66 Consumer prices in 12 months' time: Don't know (%):
B7 Unemployment in Finland in 12 months' time (balance):
B71 Unemployment in Finland in 12 months' time: Much more (%):
B72 Unemployment in Finland in 12 months' time: Somewhat more (%):
B73 Unemployment in Finland in 12 months' time: Not more or less (%):
B74 Unemployment in Finland in 12 months' time: Somewhat less (%):
B75 Unemployment in Finland in 12 months' time: Much less (%):
B76 Unemployment in Finland in 12 months' time: Don't know (%):
B8 Personal threat of unemployment now (balance):
B81 Personal threat of unemployment now: Increased a lot (%):
B82 Personal threat of unemployment now: Increased slightly (%):
B83 Personal threat of unemployment now: Remained unchanged (%):
B84 Personal threat of unemployment now: Decreased slightly (%):
B85 Personal threat of unemployment now: Decreased a lot (%):
B86 Personal threat of unemployment now: No threat (%):
B87 Personal threat of unemployment now: Don't know (%):
C1 Favourability of time for purchasing durables (balance):
C11 Favourability of time for purchasing durables: Favourable time (%):
C12 Favourability of time for purchasing durables: Neither (%):
C13 Favourability of time for purchasing durables: Unfavourable time (%):
C14 Favourability of time for purchasing durables: Don't know (%):
C2 Favourability of time for saving (balance):
C21 Favourability of time for saving: Very good time (%):
C22 Favourability of time for saving: Fairly good time (%):
C23 Favourability of time for saving: Fairly bad time (%):
C24 Favourability of time for saving: Very bad time (%):
C25 Favourability of time for saving: Don't know (%):
C3 Favourability of time for raising a loan (balance):
C31 Favourability of time for raising a loan: Very good time (%):
C32 Favourability of time for raising a loan: Fairly good time (%):
C33 Favourability of time for raising a loan: Fairly bad time (%):
C34 Favourability of time for raising a loan: Very bad time (%):
C35 Favourability of time for raising a loan: Don't know (%):
D1 Financial situation now (balance):
D11 Financial situation now: Can save a lot (%):
D12 Financial situation now: Can save a little (%):
D13 Financial situation now: Can barely make ends meet (%):
D14 Financial situation now: Have to use savings (%):
D15 Financial situation now: Getting into debt (%):
D16 Financial situation now: Don't know (%):
D2 Possibilities to save, next 12 months (balance):
D21 Possibilities to save, next 12 months: Very likely can save (%):
D22 Possibilities to save, next 12 months: Fairly likely can save (%):
D23 Possibilities to save, next 12 months: Fairly likely cannot save (%):
D24 Possibilities to save, next 12 months: Very likely cannot save (%):
D25 Possibilities to save, next 12 months: Don't know (%):
D5 Intentions to raise a loan, next 12 months (% of consumers):
D51 Intentions to raise a loan, next 12 months: Yes, certainly (%):
D52 Intentions to raise a loan, next 12 months: Possibly (%):
D53 Intentions to raise a loan, next 12 months: Probably not (%):
D54 Intentions to raise a loan, next 12 months: No (%):
D55 Intentions to raise a loan, next 12 months: Don't know (%):
E1 Spending on durables, next 12 months vs last 12 months (balance):
E11 Spending on durables, next 12 months vs last 12 months: Much more (%):
E12 Spending on durables, next 12 months vs last 12 months: Somewhat more (%):
E13 Spending on durables, next 12 months vs last 12 months: Not more or less (%):
E14 Spending on durables, next 12 months vs last 12 months: Somewhat less (%):
E15 Spending on durables, next 12 months vs last 12 months: Much less (%):
E16 Spending on durables, next 12 months vs last 12 months: Don't know (%):
E2 Intentions to buy a car, next 12 months (% of consumers):
E21 Intentions to buy a car, next 12 months: Very likely yes (%):
E22 Intentions to buy a car, next 12 months: Fairly likely yes (%):
E23 Intentions to buy a car, next 12 months: Fairly likely no (%):
E24 Intentions to buy a car, next 12 months: Very likely no (%):
E25 Intentions to buy a car, next 12 months: Don't know (%):
E3 New or used car, next 12 months (% of consumers):
E31 New or used car, next 12 months: New car surely (%):
E32 New or used car, next 12 months: New car possibly (%):
E33 New or used car, next 12 months: Used car surely (%):
E34 New or used car, next 12 months: Used car possibly (%):
E4 Intentions to buy a dwelling, next 12 months (% of consumers):
E41 Intentions to buy a dwelling, next 12 months: Yes, certainly (%):
E42 Intentions to buy a dwelling, next 12 months: Possibly (%):
E43 Intentions to buy a dwelling, next 12 months: Probably not (%):
E44 Intentions to buy a dwelling, next 12 months: No (%):
E45 Intentions to buy a dwelling, next 12 months: Don't know (%):
E5 Intentions to use money for basic repairs of a dwelling, next 12 months (% of consumers):
E51 Intentions to use money for basic repairs of a dwelling, next 12 months: Very likely yes (%):
E52 Intentions to use money for basic repairs of a dwelling, next 12 months: Fairly likely yes (%):
E53 Intentions to use money for basic repairs of a dwelling, next 12 months: Fairly likely no (%):
E54 Intentions to use money for basic repairs of a dwelling, next 12 months: Very likely no (%):
E55 Intentions to use money for basic repairs of a dwelling, next 12 months: Don't know (%):
E62 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Home furnishing (% of consumers):
E63 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Free-time residence (% of consumers):
E64 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Entertainment electronics (% of consumers):
E65 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Home appliances (% of consumers):
E66 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Hobby or sports equipment (% of consumers):
E67 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Vehicle (not a car) (% of consumers):
E68 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Leisure trip in Finland (% of consumers):
E69 Other intentions to buy, next 6 months: Leisure trip abroad (% of consumers):
Statistics Finland, consumer confidence
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.A1 Consumer confidence indicator, CCI = (B1+B2+B4+E1)/4 , B1 Own economy now (balance) , B11 Own economy now: Much better (%) ,

Selected 1 of total 132

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1995M10 , 1995M11 , 1995M12 ,

Selected 1 of total 345

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 30 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300,000
Documentation of statistics . missing
. missing
Period 10/1995-04/2019: Information on response distributions cannot be presented - only the (revised) balance figures, inflation estimates and some percentage shares are published.