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Number of enterprises:
Innovation, Statistics Finland
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Innovation activity of enterprises by Year, Size class, Industry, Measurement unit, Status of innovation activity and Information

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Innovation activity of enterprises by Measurement unit, Year, Size class, Industry, Status of innovation activity and Information
 Number of enterprises
Share of enterprises, % 
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises8,358
Enterprises with innovation activity4,364
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises4,184
Enterprises with innovation activity2,337
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises4,174
Enterprises with innovation activity2,028
10 to 49 persons 
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises6,403
Enterprises with innovation activity3,052
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises3,039
Enterprises with innovation activity1,518
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises3,364
Enterprises with innovation activity1,534
50 to 249 persons 
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises1,545
Enterprises with innovation activity982
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises908
Enterprises with innovation activity611
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises637
Enterprises with innovation activity371
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises8,081
Enterprises with innovation activity4,544
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises3,893
Enterprises with innovation activity2,305
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises4,188
Enterprises with innovation activity2,239
10 to 49 persons 
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises6,173
Enterprises with innovation activity3,258
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises2,801
Enterprises with innovation activity1,514
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises3,372
Enterprises with innovation activity1,744
50 to 249 persons 
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises1,526
Enterprises with innovation activity968
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises875
Enterprises with innovation activity589
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises651
Enterprises with innovation activity379
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises8,576
Enterprises with innovation activity4,513
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises3,881
Enterprises with innovation activity2,195
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises4,695
Enterprises with innovation activity2,318
10 to 49 persons 
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises6,586
Enterprises with innovation activity3,167
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises2,785
Enterprises with innovation activity1,407
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises3,801
Enterprises with innovation activity1,760
50 to 249 persons 
All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ) 
Total number of enterprises1,577
Enterprises with innovation activity1,025
B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction) 
Total number of enterprises887
Enterprises with innovation activity598
Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73) 
Total number of enterprises691
Enterprises with innovation activity427
Documentation of statistics
The reference period of the Innovation Survey is three years and innovation activity is defined on the basis of the three years covered by the entire reference period. The year variable in the databases is the last year of the three-year reference period and at the same time, the statistical reference year of the survey.
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