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  1. 11te -- Self-perceived health among household population aged 16 years or older by age and sex, 2015-2023

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Persons feeling they were in good or very good health, Share of persons feeling they were in good or very good health, %, Persons feeling they were in fair, poor or very poor health, Share of persons feeling they were in fair, poor or very poor health, %, ..., Persons feeling they were in fair, poor or very poor health, number in the sample (8)
    4. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)

  2. 11ty -- Life satisfaction among household population aged 16 years or older by age, 2013-2023

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    2. Information: Very satisfied (9-10), Very satisfied (9-10), share, %, Satisfied (7-8), Satisfied (7-8), share, %, ..., Data missing, number in the sample (12)
    3. Year: 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2023 (10)

  3. 11ub -- Satisfaction with household's financial situation among persons aged 16 years or older by person's socioeconomic group, 2013-2022

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    1. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    2. Satisfaction with household's financial situation: All, 0-6, 7-8, 9-10, (4)
    3. Information: Number of persons, Share of persons (%), Number of persons in the sample, (3)
    4. Year: 2013, 2018, 2022, (3)

  4. 11v2 -- Life satisfaction, mean, among household population aged 16 years or older by age and income group, 2013-2023

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    2. Income group: Total, I (Lowest-income 20 %), II, III, ..., V (Highest-income 20 %) (6)
    3. Information: Mean of life satisfaction, (1)
    4. Year: 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2023 (10)

  5. 11wp -- Feeling happy in a four week period among persons 16 years or older, 2013-2022

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    2. Happy: Total, All or most of the time, or sometimes, A little or none of the time, (3)
    3. Information: Number of persons, Share of persons (%), Number of persons in the sample, (3)
    4. Year: 2013, 2018, 2022, (3)

  6. 11y4 -- Economic strain caused by health care expenses by income group, 2016-2021

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    1. Income group: Total, I (Lowest-income 20 %), II, III, ..., V (Highest-income 20 %) (6)
    2. Health care expenditure: Health care services (excl. dental care), Dental care services, Medication expenses, (3)
    3. Burden of costs: All, A heavy financial burden, Somewhat a burden, Not a burden at all, ..., Data missing (6)
    4. Information: Number of persons, Share of persons (%), Number of persons in the sample, (3)
    5. Year: 2016, 2021, (2)

  7. 11yu -- Economic strain caused by health care expenses by the life-cycle of person's household, 2016-2021

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    1. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    2. Health care expenditure: Health care services (excl. dental care), Dental care services, Medication expenses, (3)
    3. Burden of costs: All, A heavy financial burden, Somewhat a burden, Not a burden at all, ..., Data missing (6)
    4. Information: Number of persons, Share of persons (%), Number of persons in the sample, (3)
    5. Year: 2016, 2021, (2)

  8. 11z9 -- Feeling lonely in a four week period among persons 16 years or older by age, 2018-2022

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    2. Lonely: Total, All or most of the time, or sometimes, A little or none of the time, (3)
    3. Information: Number of persons, Share of persons (%), Number of persons in the sample, (3)
    4. Year: 2018, 2022, (2)

  9. 11zc -- Feeling lonely in a four week period among persons 16 years or older by the life-cycle of person's household, 2018-2022

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    1. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    2. Lonely: Total, All or most of the time, or sometimes, A little or none of the time, (3)
    3. Information: Number of persons, Share of persons (%), Number of persons in the sample, (3)
    4. Year: 2018, 2022, (2)

  10. 11ze -- Life satisfaction, mean, among household population aged 16 years or older by age and self perceived health, 2013-2023

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    2. Self-perceived health: All, Very good, Good, Fair, Bad or very bad (5)
    3. Information: Mean of life satisfaction, (1)
    4. Year: 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2023 (10)

  11. 11zy -- Self-perceived health among houehold population aged 16 years or older by income group, 2015-2023

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    1. Income group: Total, I (Lowest-income 20 %), II, III, ..., V (Highest-income 20 %) (6)
    2. Information: Persons feeling they were in good or very good health, Share of persons feeling they were in good or very good health, %, Persons feeling they were in fair, poor or very poor health, Share of persons feeling they were in fair, poor or very poor health, %, ..., Persons with unknown health status, number in the sample (9)
    3. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)

  12. 121a -- Life satisfaction among household population aged 16 years or older by income group, 2013-2023

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    1. Income group: Total, I (Lowest-income 20 %), II, III, ..., V (Highest-income 20 %) (6)
    2. Information: Very satisfied (9-10), Very satisfied (9-10), share, %, Satisfied (7-8), Satisfied (7-8), share, %, ..., Data missing, number in the sample (12)
    3. Year: 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2023 (10)

  13. 127u -- Households' assessment of the change in their financial situation compared to the previous year by household's life-cycle, 1991-2023

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    1. Year: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, ..., 2023 (33)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    3. Information: Number of households in population, Changed significantly for the better compared to the previous year, %, Changed significantly for the better compared to the previous year, count, Changed somewhat for the better compared to the previous year, %, ..., Change compared to the previous year, data missing, count (13)

  14. 132a -- Households' ability to make ends meet by households' life-cycle, 2004-2023

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    1. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 2 Childless couples, 3 Family with children, ..., 4 Other households (7)
    2. Year: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, ..., 2023 (20)
    3. Information: Number of households in population, Number of persons, Number of children, Share of households with difficulties or great difficulties in making ends meet, %, ..., Share of children in households making ends meet fairly easily, easily or very easily, % (12)

  15. 132d -- Households ability to save money and to afford to pay for an unexpected expense by life-cycle, 2004-2023

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    1. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    2. Information: Number of households in population, Households that are able to save money, %, Households that are not able to save money, %, Households that can afford to pay an unexpected expense, %, Households that cannot afford to pay an unexpected expense, % (5)
    3. Year: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, ..., 2023 (20)

  16. 135s -- Households' assessment of the change in their financial situation in the next 12 months by socioeconomic status, 1992-2023

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    1. Year: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, ..., 2023 (32)
    2. Socioeconomic status: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    3. Information: Number of households in population, Will change significantly for the better in the next 12 months, %, Will change significantly for the better in the next 12 months, count, Will change somewhat for the better in the next 12 months, %, ..., Change in the next 12 months, data missing, count (13)

  17. 135u -- Households assessment of the change in their financial situation compared to the previous year by household's socioeconomic status, 1991-2023

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    1. Year: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, ..., 2023 (33)
    2. Socioeconomic status: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    3. Information: Number of households in population, Changed significantly for the better compared to the previous year, %, Changed significantly for the better compared to the previous year, count, Changed somewhat for the better compared to the previous year, %, ..., Change compared to the previous year, data missing, count (13)

  18. 135v -- Households' assessment of the change in their financial situation in the next 12 months by household's life-cycle, 1992-2023

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    1. Year: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, ..., 2023 (32)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    3. Information: Number of households in population, Will change significantly for the better in the next 12 months, %, Will change significantly for the better in the next 12 months, count, Will change somewhat for the better in the next 12 months, %, ..., Change in the next 12 months, data missing, count (13)

  19. 13hf -- Persons in severe material and social deprivation and living in low work intensity households by person's household's life-cycle, 2015-2022

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    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2022 (8)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 2 Childless couples, 3 Family with children, ..., 4 Other households (7)
    3. Information: In severe material and social deprivation, number of persons, In severe material and social deprivation, %, Member of a household with low work intensity, number, Member of a household with low work intensity, %, Persons in population (5)

  20. 13iu -- Prevalence of some dimensions of material deprivation by person's age, 2005-2022

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    1. Age: Total, 0 - 17, 18 - 29, 30 - 49, ..., 75 - (7)
    2. Information: Has experienced payment difficulties, Has experienced payment difficulties, %, Lack of food, Lack of food, %, ..., Inability to face unexpected expenses, % (8)
    3. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2022 (18)

  21. 13ju -- Trust in others among population aged 16 and over by income group, 2013-2023

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    1. Year: 2013, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023 (5)
    2. Income group: Total, I (Lowest-income 20 %), II, III, ..., V (Highest-income 20 %) (6)
    3. Information: Level of trust 9-10, Level of trust 9-10, %, Level of trust 7-8, Level of trust 7-8, %, ..., Level of trust 0-6, number in the sample (11)

  22. 13jv -- Trust in others among persons aged 16 years or older by the life-cycle of person's household, 2013-2023

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    1. Year: 2013, 2018, 2021, 2022, 2023 (5)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    3. Information: Level of trust 9-10, Level of trust 9-10, %, Level of trust 7-8, Level of trust 7-8, %, ..., Level of trust 0-6, number in the sample (11)

  23. 13ma -- Material deprivation among children aged 1 to 15 by household type, 2009-2021

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    1. Type of household: Total, 1 adut and children, 2 adults and children, (3)
    2. Information: Share of children experiencing material deprivation (on at least one dimension), Number of children experiencing material deprivation (on at least one dimension), Share of children not experiencing material deprivation, Number of children not experiencing material deprivation, Children total (5)
    3. Year: 2009, 2014, 2021, (3)

  24. 13mj -- Indicators of material deprivation experienced by children aged 1 to 15, 2009-2021

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    1. Information: Deprivation in daily needs, share of children, Deprivation in daily needs, number of children, Deprivation in toys or books, share of children, Deprivation in toys or books, number of children, ..., Children total (9)
    2. Year: 2009, 2014, 2021, (3)

  25. 13mk -- Indicators related to health and access to health care among children aged 0 to 15, 2017-2021

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    1. Information: Good or very good health, share of children, Good or very good health, number of children, Moderate or poor health, share of children, Moderate or poor health, number of children, ..., Children total (19)
    2. Year: 2017, 2021, (2)

  26. 13wk -- Household population's risk of poverty indicators by age and sex, 1966-2022

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    1. Year: 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, ..., 2022 (41)
    2. Age: Total, 0 - 17, 18 - 29, 30 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    3. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    4. Income concept: Disposable cash income (excl. capital gains), Disposable income (incl. imputed rents and capital gains, sample-based data), (2)
    5. Information: Persons at risk of poverty (threshold 60 % of median), At-risk-of-poverty rate (threshold 60 % of median), Persons at risk of poverty (threshold 50 % of median), At-risk-of-poverty rate (threshold 50 % of median), (4)

  27. 13wl -- Household population's risk of poverty indicators by person's household's life-cycle, 1990-2022

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    1. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2022 (33)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    3. Income concept: Disposable cash income (excl. capital gains), Disposable income (incl. imputed rents and capital gains, sample-based data), (2)
    4. Information: Persons at risk of poverty (threshold 60 % of median), At-risk-of-poverty rate (threshold 60 % of median), Persons at risk of poverty (threshold 50 % of median), At-risk-of-poverty rate (threshold 50 % of median), (4)

  28. 13wm -- Household population's risk of poverty indicators by person's socioeconomic group, 1987-2022

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    1. Year: 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, ..., 2022 (36)
    2. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (18)
    3. Income concept: Disposable cash income (excl. capital gains), Disposable income (incl. imputed rents and capital gains, sample-based data), (2)
    4. Information: Persons at risk of poverty (threshold 60 % of median), At-risk-of-poverty rate (threshold 60 % of median), Persons at risk of poverty (threshold 50 % of median), At-risk-of-poverty rate (threshold 50 % of median), (4)

  29. 13xb -- Households occupancy rate by income group, 2003-2022

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    1. Income group: Total, I (Lowest-income 20 %), II, III, ..., V (Highest-income 20 %) (6)
    2. Information: Number of households in population, Number of persons in population, Number of children in population, Number of rooms per household, ..., Share of children living in overcrowded dwellings (excl. one-person one-room dwellings), % (14)
    3. Year: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, ..., 2022 (20)

  30. 13xc -- Households occupancy rate by form of tenure of the dwelling and statistical grouping of municipalities, 2003-2022

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    1. Statistical grouping of municipalities: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, (4)
    2. Form of tenure: All households, Owner-occupied dwelling, Rented dwelling, Others, (4)
    3. Information: Number of households in population, Number of persons in population, Number of children in population, Number of rooms per household, ..., Share of children living in overcrowded dwellings (excl. one-person one-room dwellings), % (14)
    4. Year: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, ..., 2022 (20)

  31. 13xd -- Households occupancy rate by form of tenure of the dwelling and life-cycle, 2003-2022

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    1. Form of tenure: All households, Owner-occupied dwelling, Rented dwelling, Others, (4)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    3. Information: Number of households in population, Number of persons in population, Number of children in population, Number of rooms per household, ..., Share of children living in overcrowded dwellings (excl. one-person one-room dwellings), % (14)
    4. Year: 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, ..., 2022 (20)

  32. 13xi -- Persons with disabilities among household population aged 16 or over by age and sex, 2022

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    1. Year: 2022, (1)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age: Total, 16 - 34, 35 - 49, 50 - 64, ..., 85 - (7)
    4. Information: Share of persons with disabilities, %, Number of persons with disabilities, (2)

  33. 13xj -- Perceived limitations in basic actions among household population aged 16 or over by age, 2022

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    1. Year: 2022, (1)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 34, 35 - 49, 50 - 64, ..., 75 - (6)
    3. Degree of limitation: No difficulties, Some difficulties, A lot of difficulties or cannot do the activity at all, (3)
    4. Information: Seeing, %, Seeing, number of persons, Hearing, %, Hearing, number of persons, ..., Communicating, number of persons (12)

  34. 13xl -- Experiences of feeling left out among household population aged 16 or over by age, 2022

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    1. Year: 2022, (1)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    3. Information: I feel left out, strongly agree or more or less agree, %, I feel left out, strongly agree or more or less agree, number of persons, I feel left out, neither agree nor disagree, %, I feel left out, neither agree nor disagree, number of persons, ..., I feel left out, strongly disagree, number of persons (8)

  35. 13xn -- Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by age and sex, 2018-2022

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    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (5)
    2. Age: Total, 0 - 17, 18 - 29, 30 - 49, ..., 85 - (8)
    3. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    4. Information: Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion in total, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, %, Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, %, ..., Persons in population (7)

  36. 13xp -- Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by the life-cycle of persons' household, 2018-2022

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    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (5)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    3. Information: Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion in total, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, %, Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, %, ..., Persons in population (7)

  37. 13xq -- Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by socioeconomic group, 2018-2022

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    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (5)
    2. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (18)
    3. Information: Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion in total, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, %, Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, %, ..., Persons in population (7)

  38. 13xr -- Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by area, 2018-2022

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    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (5)
    2. Area: Whole country, Helsinki, Other parts of the Helsinki Metropolitan area, Other large university cities, ..., Rural municipalities (7)
    3. Information: Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion in total, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, %, Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion on one dimension, %, ..., Persons in population (7)

  39. 13xs -- Intersections of dimensions of risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex, 2018-2022

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    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (5)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: All persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, %, Member of low income household only, Member of low income household only, %, ..., Low income + severe material and social deprivation + low work intensity, % (16)

  40. 13xt -- Satisfaction with personal relationships among persons aged 16 years or older by age, 2013-2022

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    1. Year: 2013, 2018, 2022, (3)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 75 - (7)
    3. Satisfaction with personal relationships: All, 0-6, 7-8, 9-10, (4)
    4. Information: Number of persons, Share of persons (%), (2)

  41. 13xu -- Persons with disabilities among household population aged 16 or over by age and income group, 2022

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    1. Year: 2022, (1)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 34, 35 - 49, 50 - 64, ..., 75 - (6)
    3. Income group: Total, I (Lowest-income 20 %), II, III, ..., V (Highest-income 20 %) (6)
    4. Information: Share of persons with disabilities, %, Number of persons with disabilities, (2)

  42. 13xv -- Subjective health status among household population aged 16 or over by age and disability status, 2022

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    1. Year: 2022, (1)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 34, 35 - 49, 50 - 64, ..., 75 - (6)
    3. Disability status: Persons with disabilities, Others, (2)
    4. Information: Persons feeling they were in good or very good health, Share of persons feeling they were in good or very good health, %, Persons feeling they were in fair, poor or very poor health, Share of persons feeling they were in fair, poor or very poor health, %, (4)

  43. 13y2 -- Risk of poverty or social exclusion, low income, low work intensity and severe material and social deprivation among people aged 16 or over by disability status, 2021

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    1. Year: 2021, (1)
    2. Disability status: All persons, Persons with disabilities, Others, (3)
    3. Age: Total, 16 - 64, 65 -, (3)
    4. Information: Share of persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion, %, At-risk-of-poverty rate (threshold 60 % of median), Member of a household with low work intensity, %, In severe material and social deprivation, %, ..., In severe material and social deprivation, number of persons (8)

  44. 13ya -- Socio-economic status of persons aged 16 to 64 by disability status, 2021

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    1. Information: Share of employees and self-employed persons, %, Share of unemployed persons, %, Share of pensioners, %, Share of other non-employed persons, %, ..., Number of other non-employed persons (8)
    2. Year: 2021, (1)
    3. Disability status: Persons with disabilities, Others, (2)

  45. 13yc -- Experiences of feeling left out among household population aged 16 or over by disability status and age group, 2022

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    1. Year: 2022, (1)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 64, 65 -, (3)
    3. Disability status: All persons, Persons with disabilities, Others, (3)
    4. Information: I feel left out, strongly agree or more or less agree, %, I feel left out, strongly agree or more or less agree, number of persons, I feel left out, neither agree nor disagree, %, I feel left out, neither agree nor disagree, number of persons, ..., I feel left out, strongly disagree, number of persons (8)

  46. 14cg -- Persons aged 16 or over having been to the cinema, live performances, museums and sports events in 12 months by age and gender, 2006-2022

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 75 - (7)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Year: 2006, 2015, 2022, (3)
    4. Information: Share of cinema-goers, %, Number of cinema-goers, Share of persons having been to live performances, %, Number of persons having been to live performances, ..., Number of persons having been to sports events (8)

  47. 14cj -- Persons aged 16 or over having been to the cinema, live performances, museums and sports events in 12 months by socio-economic group, 2006-2022

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    1. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    2. Year: 2006, 2015, 2022, (3)
    3. Information: Share of cinema-goers, %, Number of cinema-goers, Share of persons having been to live performances, %, Number of persons having been to live performances, ..., Number of persons having been to sports events (8)

  48. 14cm -- Creative hobbies and reading of books among the population aged 16 or over by age and gender, 2015-2022

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 75 - (7)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Year: 2015, 2022, (2)
    4. Information: Share of persons having practised creative hobbies at least monthly in 12 months, %, Number of persons having practised creative hobbies at least monthly in 12 months, Share of persons having read at least one book in 12 months, %, Number of persons having read at least one book in 12 months, ..., Number of persons who had read at least 10 books in 12 months (10)

  49. 14cn -- Creative hobbies and reading of books among the population aged 16 or over by socio-economic group, 2015-2022

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    1. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    2. Year: 2015, 2022, (2)
    3. Information: Share of persons having practised creative hobbies at least monthly in 12 months, %, Number of persons having practised creative hobbies at least monthly in 12 months, Share of persons having read at least one book in 12 months, %, Number of persons having read at least one book in 12 months, ..., Number of persons who had read at least 10 books in 12 months (10)

  50. 14ct -- Number of visits to the cinema, performances, museums and sports events in the past 12 months among the population aged 16 or over, 2006-2022

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    1. Number of visits: 1 to 3 times, At least 4 times, 0 times, Data missing, (4)
    2. Year: 2006, 2015, 2022, (3)
    3. Information: Share of cinema-goers, %, Number of cinema-goers, Share of persons having been to live performances, %, Number of persons having been to live performances, ..., Number of persons having been to sports events (8)

  51. 14cu -- Possibility to ask for help from friends or relatives among the population aged 16 or over by age and gender, 2013-2022

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    1. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 75 - (7)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Year: 2013, 2015, 2022, (3)
    4. Information: Possibility to ask for help from friends, relatives or neighbours, share, %, Possibility to ask for help from friends, relatives or neighbours, number, (2)

  52. 14cw -- Possibility to ask for help from friends or relatives among the population aged 16 or over by socio-economic group, 2013-2022

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    1. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    2. Year: 2013, 2015, 2022, (3)
    3. Information: Possibility to ask for help from friends, relatives or neighbours, share, %, Possibility to ask for help from friends, relatives or neighbours, number, (2)

  53. 14cx -- Frequency of seeing and contacting relatives among the population aged 16 or over, 2006-2022

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    1. Year: 2006, 2015, 2022, (3)
    2. Information: Seeing relatives daily, %, Seeing relatives daily, number, Contacting relatives daily, %, Contacting relatives daily, number, ..., Data on contacting relatives missing, number (28)

  54. 14cy -- Frequency of seeing and contacting friends among the population aged 16 or over, 2006-2022

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    1. Year: 2006, 2015, 2022, (3)
    2. Information: Seeing friends daily, %, Seeing friends daily, number, Contacting friends daily, %, Contacting friends daily, number, ..., Data on contacting friends missing, number (28)

  55. 14cz -- Seeing and contacting relatives and friends at least weekly among the population aged 16 or over by age and gender, 2006-2022

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    1. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 75 - (7)
    3. Year: 2006, 2015, 2022, (3)
    4. Information: Seeing relatives, %, Seeing relatives, number, Seeing friends, %, Seeing friends, number, ..., Contacting or seeing relatives or friends, number (14)

  56. 14d1 -- Seeing and contacting relatives and friends at least weekly among the population aged 16 or over by socio-economic group, 2006-2022

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    1. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    2. Year: 2006, 2015, 2022, (3)
    3. Information: Seeing relatives, %, Seeing relatives, number, Seeing friends, %, Seeing friends, number, ..., Contacting or seeing relatives or friends, number (14)

  57. 14d2 -- Voluntary work and participation in active civic activity in 12 months among the population aged 16 or over by age and gender, 2015-2022

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    1. Year: 2015, 2022, (2)
    2. Age: Total, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, 35 - 49, ..., 75 - (7)
    3. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    4. Information: Share of persons having done voluntary work, %, Number of persons having done voluntary work, Share of persons having done informal voluntary work, %, Number of persons having done informal voluntary work, ..., Number of persons having taken part in active civic activity (6)

  58. 14d3 -- Voluntary work and participation in active civic activity in 12 months among the population aged 16 or over by socio-economic group, 2015-2022

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    1. Year: 2015, 2022, (2)
    2. Socio-economic group: Total, 1 Self-employed persons, 1.1 Agricultural entrepreneurs, 1.2 Self-employed persons excluding farmers, ..., 6 Others (12)
    3. Information: Share of persons having done voluntary work, %, Number of persons having done voluntary work, Share of persons having done informal voluntary work, %, Number of persons having done informal voluntary work, ..., Number of persons having taken part in active civic activity (6)

  59. 14sf -- Households' housing conditions by form of tenure and statistical grouping of life-cycle, 2005-2023

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    1. Year: 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014, ..., 2023 (7)
    2. Form of tenure: All households, Owner-occupied dwelling, Rented dwelling, Others, (4)
    3. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    4. Information: Number of households in population, Number of persons in population, Number of rooms per household, Number of rooms per person, ..., Crime, violence or vandalism, % of persons (20)

  60. 14sh -- Satisfaction with dwelling among housholds by form of tenure and statistical grouping of life-cycle, 2023

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    1. Form of tenure: All households, Owner-occupied dwelling, Rented dwelling, Others, (4)
    2. Household's life-cycle: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
    3. Year: 2023, (1)
    4. Information: Number of households in population, Fairly or very dissatisfied, %, Satisfied, %, Very satisfied, %, Data missing, % (5)

  61. 14si -- Satisfaction with dwelling among housholds by form of tenure and statistical grouping of municipalities, 2023

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    1. Statistical grouping of municipalities: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, (4)
    2. Form of tenure: All households, Owner-occupied dwelling, Rented dwelling, Others, (4)
    3. Year: 2023, (1)
    4. Information: Number of households in population, Fairly or very dissatisfied, %, Satisfied, %, Very satisfied, %, Data missing, % (5)