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  1. 14xm -- Earnings of full-time wage and salary earners by education level, age and sector, 2023

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    1. Year: 2023, (1)
    2. The level of education: Total, 0-2 Basic education, 3 Upper secondary education, 4 Post-secondary non-tertiary education, ..., 8 Doctoral or equivalent level (8)
    3. Age group: Total, 0-14, 15-19, 20-24, ..., 75-79 (15)
    4. Classification of Sectors 2023: S0 Total, S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households, S13111 Budget economy of central government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, S13132 Wellbeing services county administration (5)
    5. Information: Number of full-time employees, Average of total earnings, EUR/month, 1st decile of total earnings, EUR/month, Median of total earnings, EUR/month, ..., Coefficient of variation for total earnings, % (6)

  2. 14xn -- Earnings per hour paid of wage and salary earners by occupation group (Classification of Occupations 2010), sector and type of working time, 2023

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    1. Year: 2023, (1)
    2. Classification of Occupations 2010: SSS Total, 0 Armed forces, 01 Commissioned armed forces officers, 011 Commissioned armed forces officers, ..., 962 Other elementary workers (177)
    3. Classification of Sectors 2023: S0 Total, S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households, S13111 Budget economy of central government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, S13132 Wellbeing services county administration (5)
    4. Full/part-time: Total, Full-time, Part-time, Unknown, (4)
    5. Information: Employees total, Average of total hourly earnings, EUR, 1st decile of total earnings, EUR/hour, Median of total earnings, EUR/hour, ..., Coefficient of variation for total earnings, % (6)

  3. 14xt -- Earnings per hour paid of wage and salary earners by occupation group (Classification of Occupations 2010), sector and sex, 2023

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    1. Year: 2023, (1)
    2. Classification of Occupations 2010: SSS Total, 0 Armed forces, 01 Commissioned armed forces officers, 011 Commissioned armed forces officers, ..., X Unknown (178)
    3. Classification of Sectors 2023: S0 Total, S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households, S13111 Budget economy of central government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, S13132 Wellbeing services county administration (5)
    4. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    5. Information: Employees total, Average of total hourly earnings, EUR, 1st decile of total earnings, EUR/hour, Median of total earnings, EUR/hour, ..., Coefficient of variation for total earnings, % (6)

  4. 14xu -- Månadslöner för heltidsanställda löntagare enligt näringsgren (TOL2008), 2023

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    1. Year: 2023, (1)
    2. The Standard Industrial Classification 2008: Total, B Mining and quarrying, 07 Mining of metal ores, 072 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, ..., 960 Other personal service activities (335)
    3. Classification of Sectors 2023: S0 Total, S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households, S13111 Budget economy of central government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, S13132 Wellbeing services county administration (5)
    4. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    5. Information: Number of full-time employees, Average of total earnings, EUR/month, 1st decile of total earnings, EUR/month, Median of total earnings, EUR/month, ..., Coefficient of variation for total earnings, % (6)

  5. 14xw -- Earnings of full-time salary and wage earners by region and sector, 2023

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    1. Year: 2023, (1)
    2. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Varsinais-Suomi, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    3. Classification of Sectors 2023: S0 Total, S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households, S13111 Budget economy of central government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, S13132 Wellbeing services county administration (5)
    4. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    5. Information: Number of full-time employees, Average of total earnings, EUR/month, 1st decile of total earnings, EUR/month, Median of total earnings, EUR/month, ..., Coefficient of variation for total earnings, % (6)

  6. 14xv -- Hourly earnings of wage and salary earners by industry (TOL 2008), 2023

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    1. Year: 2023, (1)
    2. The Standard Industrial Classification 2008: Total, B Mining and quarrying, 07 Mining of metal ores, 072 Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, ..., 960 Other personal service activities (337)
    3. Classification of Sectors 2023: S0 Total, S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households, S13111 Budget economy of central government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, S13132 Wellbeing services county administration (5)
    4. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    5. Information: Employees total, Average of total hourly earnings, EUR, 1st decile of total earnings, EUR/hour, Median of total earnings, EUR/hour, ..., Coefficient of variation for total earnings, % (6)

  7. 14xx -- Earnings of full-time wage and salary earners by occupation group (Classification of Occupations 2010), sector and sex, 2023

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    1. Year: 2023, (1)
    2. Classification of Occupations 2010: SSS Total, 0 Armed forces, 01 Commissioned armed forces officers, 011 Commissioned armed forces officers, ..., X Unknown (178)
    3. Classification of Sectors 2023: S0 Total, S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households, S13111 Budget economy of central government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, S13132 Wellbeing services county administration (5)
    4. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    5. Information: Number of full-time employees, Average of total earnings, EUR/month, 1st decile of total earnings, EUR/month, Median of total earnings, EUR/month, ..., Coefficient of variation for total earnings, % (6)