13ld -- Measures due to the corona pandemic by industry, 2020
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20220428 08.00
- Year: 2020, (1)
- Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
- Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
- Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, temporary, share of enterprises (%), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, for now, share of enterprises (%), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, no activities, share of enterprises (%), ..., Measures with more permanent effects due to the corona pandemic, share of enterprises (%) (37)