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  1. 11da -- Prevalence of innovation activity by size category of personnel and industry, share of enterprises, 2000-2016

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    1. Industry: Total, B 05-09, C 10-33, D 35, E 37-39 Manufacturing, total, 46, 49-53, J 58-63, K 64-66, 71, 72, 73 Services, total, (3)
    2. Size category of personnel: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Year: 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, ..., 2016 (8)
    4. Information: Product innovations (goods and services), Process innovations, Product or process innovations, Innovation projects (product and process innovations), ..., All elements (product and process innovations) (6)

  2. 13lr -- Collaboration between enterprises and research organisations by industry, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), Innovation cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), Other cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), ..., Form of cooperation; some other, not relevant, share of enterprises (%) (84)

  3. 12l8 -- Protection methods and IPR activities, and acquisition of information and technology in enterprises by status of innovation activity, by industry group and by size class, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    3. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    4. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    5. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, Patent application, Utility model application, Registering an industrial design right, ..., Organising work; cross-functionality, not relevant (43)

  4. 12mv -- Innovation activity of enterprises by industry group and size class, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    3. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    4. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    5. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, (2)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, Product innovations (goods or services), Goods innovations, Service innovations, ..., In-house or contracted-out R&D (48)

  5. 12mx -- Financing and public financial support, and use of them for innovation activity by industry group and size class, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    4. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    5. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, Equity finance, Not obtaining equity finance, Not trying to obtain equity finance, ..., Public financial support for innovation activity (23)

  6. 12my -- Enterprises co-operation and innovation co-operation by co-operation partner and location by industry group and size class, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, Co-operation, Co-operation on innovation activity, Co-operation on research and development (R&D), ..., Innovation cooperation; clients from the private sector, other countries (65)

  7. 12mz -- Effect of legislation on innovation activity and factors hampering innovation activity by industry group and size class, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, Product/consumer legislation, positive for innovations, Product/consumer legislation, hampering innovations, Product/consumer legislation, not effect/relevant for innovations, ..., Hampering factor, different priorities in the enterprise, not relevant (68)

  8. 12n1 -- Utilisation of data and digitalisation in enterprises by industry group and size class, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, At least one of the data applications high in importance, The importance of data use medium at highest, The importance of data use low at highest, ..., Digitalisation in distributing productss, not relevant (77)

  9. 12n2 -- Collaboration between enterprises and research organisations by industry group and size class, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    3. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, Cooperation with research organisations, Innovation cooperation with research organisations, Other cooperation with research organisations, ..., Importance to innovation activity; enterprises abroad, importance decreasing (98)

  10. 12n3 -- Protection methods and IPR activities, and acquisition of information and technology in enterprises by industry, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    5. Information: Patent application, Utility model application, Registering an industrial design right, Registering a trademark, ..., Number of enterprises (43)

  11. 12n4 -- Innovation activity of enterprises by industry, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    3. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, (2)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises, Product innovations (goods or services), Goods innovations, Service innovations, ..., In-house or contracted-out R&D (48)

  12. 12n6 -- Financing and public financial support, and use of them for innovation activity by industry, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises, Equity finance, Not obtaining equity finance, Not trying to obtain equity finance, ..., Public financial support for innovation activity (23)

  13. 12n7 -- Enterprises co-operation and innovation co-operation by co-operation partner and location by industry, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises, Co-operation, Co-operation on innovation activity, Co-operation on research and development (R&D), ..., Innovation cooperation; clients from the private sector, other countries (65)

  14. 12n8 -- Effect of legislation on innovation activity and factors hampering innovation activity by industry, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises, Product/consumer legislation, positive for innovations, Product/consumer legislation, hampering innovations, Product/consumer legislation, not effect/relevant for innovations, ..., Hampering factor, different priorities in the enterprise, not relevant (65)

  15. 12n9 -- Utilisation of data and digitalisation in enterprises by industry, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises, At least one of the data applications high in importance, The importance of data use medium at highest, The importance of data use low at highest, ..., Digitalisation in distributing productss, not relevant (77)

  16. 12na -- Collaboration between enterprises and research organisations by industry, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, Number of enterprises, (2)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises, Cooperation with research organisations, Innovation cooperation with research organisations, Other cooperation with research organisations, ..., Importance to innovation activity; enterprises abroad, importance decreasing (98)

  17. 12nb -- Enterprises innovation expenditure and turnover from innovations by industry, EUR million, 2018

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    1. Year: 2018, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), B MINING AND QUARRYING, C MANUFACTURING, ..., 71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis; Scientific research and development; Advertising and market research (62)
    3. Information: In-house R&D, EUR million, R&D contracted out, EUR million, All other innovation expenditures (i.e. excluding R&D), EUR million, Other innovation expenditure, own personnel, EUR million, ..., Turnover from innovative products new to enterprise only, EUR million (11)

  18. 12nk -- Innovation activity of enterprises by industry group and size class, 2008-2018

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, ..., 2018 (6)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE - Core NACE 2012 (NACE Rev. 2 sections & divisions B-C-D-E-46-H-J-K-71-72-73 ), B_C_D_E Total industry (excluding construction), Core Services (NACE sections & divisions 46-H-J-K-71-72-73), (3)
    4. Measurement unit: Share of enterprises, %, (1)
    5. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, (2)
    6. Information: Number of enterprises, Product innovations (goods or services), Goods innovations, Service innovations, ..., In-house or contracted-out R&D (17)

  19. 13k6 -- Protection methods and IPR activities in enterprises by industry group and by enterprise size class, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    3. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Patent application, share of enterprises (%), Utility model application, share of enterprises (%), Registering an industrial design right, share of enterprises (%), ..., IPRs from public operators, number of enterprises (no.) (29)

  20. 13kb -- Innovation activity of enterprises by industry group and enterprise size class, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, (2)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Product innovations (goods or services), share of enterprises (%), Goods innovations, share of enterprises (%), Service innovations, share of enterprises (%), ..., In-house or contracted-out R&D, number of enterprises (no.) (77)

  21. 13kc -- Enterprises with the introduction of product innovations by industry group and enterprise size class, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Information: Enterprises with the introduction of product innovations, number of enterprises, Goods innovations, share of enterprises (%), Service innovations, share of enterprises (%), Only goods innovations, no service innovations, share of enterprises (%), ..., Product innovations developed by others, number of enterprises (no.) (29)

  22. 13kd -- Financing and public financial support by industry group and enterprise size class, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Equity finance, share of enterprises (%), Not obtaining equity finance, share of enterprises (%), Not trying to obtain equity finance, share of enterprises (%), ..., Public financial support for innovation activity, number of enterprises (no.) (41)

  23. 13ke -- Co-operation by industry group and enterprise size class, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Co-operation, share of enterprises (%), Co-operation on innovation activity, share of enterprises (%), Co-operation on research and development (R&D), share of enterprises (%), ..., International innovation cooperation, number of enterprises (no.) (123)

  24. 13kg -- innovation co-operation by co-operation partner and location (of enterprises with innovation co-operation), 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Co-operation on research and development (R&D), share of enterprises (%), Co-operation on other innovation activities (excluding R&D), share of enterprises (%), Innovation cooperation partner; consultants, commercial labs, share of enterprises (%), ..., International innovation cooperation, number of enterprises (no.) (118)

  25. 13kl -- Effect of legislation on innovation activity by industry group and enterprise size class, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Product/consumer legislation, positive for innovations, share of enterprises (%), Product/consumer legislation, hampering innovations, share of enterprises (%), Product/consumer legislation, not effect/relevant for innovations, share of enterprises (%), ..., Legislation not relevant for innovation, number of enterprises (no.) (55)

  26. 13km -- Environmental benefits of innovations by industry group and enterprise size class, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Within enterprise; reduced material or water use; significant, share of enterprises (%), Within enterprise; reduced material or water use; insignificant, share of enterprises (%), Within enterprise; reduced material or water use; no, share of enterprises (%), ..., During use of a product by the end user; extended product life, share of enterprises (%) (47)

  27. 13kn -- Factors in driving decisions to introduce innovations with environmental benefits (significant to environmental protection) by industry group and enterprise size class, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Existing environmental regulations; high importance, share of enterprises (%), Existing environmental regulations; medium importance, share of enterprises (%), Existing environmental regulations; low importance, share of enterprises (%), ..., Requirements for public procurement contracts; not relevant, share of enterprises (%) (37)

  28. 13kp -- Importance of the factors related to climate change by industry group and enterprise size class, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Government policies or measures related to climate change; high importance, share of enterprises (%), Government policies or measures related to climate change; medium importance, share of enterprises (%), Government policies or measures related to climate change; low importance, share of enterprises (%), ..., Mentioned factors related to climate change not relevant, number of enterprises (no.) (41)

  29. 13kx -- Protection methods and IPR activities in enterprises by industry, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Patent application, share of enterprises (%), Utility model application, share of enterprises (%), Registering an industrial design right, share of enterprises (%), ..., IPRs from public operators, number of enterprises (no.) (29)

  30. 13ky -- Innovation activity of enterprises by industry, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, (2)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Product innovations (goods or services), share of enterprises (%), Goods innovations, share of enterprises (%), Service innovations, share of enterprises (%), ..., In-house or contracted-out R&D, number of enterprises (no.) (77)

  31. 13kz -- Financing and public financial support by industry, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Equity finance, share of enterprises (%), Not obtaining equity finance, share of enterprises (%), Not trying to obtain equity finance, share of enterprises (%), ..., Public financial support for innovation activity, number of enterprises (no.) (41)

  32. 13l1 -- Co-operation by industry, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Co-operation, share of enterprises (%), Co-operation on innovation activity, share of enterprises (%), Co-operation on research and development (R&D), share of enterprises (%), ..., International innovation cooperation, number of enterprises (no.) (123)

  33. 13l2 -- Effect of legislation on innovation activity by industry, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Product/consumer legislation, positive for innovations, share of enterprises (%), Product/consumer legislation, hampering innovations, share of enterprises (%), Product/consumer legislation, not effect/relevant for innovations, share of enterprises (%), ..., Legislation not relevant for innovation, number of enterprises (no.) (55)

  34. 13l3 -- Importance of the factors related to climate change by industry, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Government policies or measures related to climate change; high importance, share of enterprises (%), Government policies or measures related to climate change; medium importance, share of enterprises (%), Government policies or measures related to climate change; low importance, share of enterprises (%), ..., Mentioned factors related to climate change not relevant, number of enterprises (no.) (41)

  35. 13l6 -- Environmental benefits of innovations by industry, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Within enterprise; reduced material or water use; significant, share of enterprises (%), Within enterprise; reduced material or water use; insignificant, share of enterprises (%), Within enterprise; reduced material or water use; no, share of enterprises (%), ..., During use of a product by the end user; extended product life, share of enterprises (%) (47)

  36. 13l7 -- Factors in driving decisions to introduce innovations with environmental benefits (significant to environmental protection) by industry, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Existing environmental regulations; high importance, share of enterprises (%), Existing environmental regulations; medium importance, share of enterprises (%), Existing environmental regulations; low importance, share of enterprises (%), ..., Requirements for public procurement contracts; not relevant, share of enterprises (%) (37)

  37. 13lb -- Measures due to the corona pandemic by industry group and enterprise size class, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, temporary, share of enterprises (%), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, for now, share of enterprises (%), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, no activities, share of enterprises (%), ..., Measures with more permanent effects due to the corona pandemic, share of enterprises (%) (37)

  38. 13ln -- Enterprises innovation expenditure and turnover from innovations by industry, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Information: In-house R&D, EUR million, R&D contracted out, EUR million, All other innovation expenditures (i.e. excluding R&D), EUR million, Other innovation expenditure (i.e. excluding R&D), own personnel, EUR million, ..., Other innovations expenditure (excluding R&D) / total innovation expenditure (%) (20)

  39. 13lc -- Effect of the corona pandemic to enterprises innovation activity by industry group and enterprise size class, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Discontinuing innovation activity, temporary, share of enterprises (%), Discontinuing innovation activity, for now, share of enterprises (%), Discontinuing innovation activity, no activities, share of enterprises (%), ..., The corona pandemic had permanent effects to innovation activities, share of enterprises (%) (49)

  40. 13lp -- Collaboration between enterprises and research organisations by industry group and enterprise size class, 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), Innovation cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), Other cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), ..., Form of cooperation; some other, not relevant, number of enterprises (no.) (167)

  41. 13ld -- Measures due to the corona pandemic by industry, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, temporary, share of enterprises (%), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, for now, share of enterprises (%), Digitisation of existing products or production of new digital products, no activities, share of enterprises (%), ..., Measures with more permanent effects due to the corona pandemic, share of enterprises (%) (37)

  42. 13lq -- Collaboration with research organisations by industry group and enterprise size class (enterprises with collaboration), 2018-2020

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    1. Year: 2018, 2020, (2)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), Innovation cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), Other cooperation with research organisations, share of enterprises (%), ..., Form of cooperation; some other, not relevant, share of enterprises (%) (84)

  43. 13le -- Effect of the corona pandemic to enterprises innovation activity by industry, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), Discontinuing innovation activity, temporary, share of enterprises (%), Discontinuing innovation activity, for now, share of enterprises (%), Discontinuing innovation activity, no activities, share of enterprises (%), ..., The corona pandemic had permanent effects to innovation activities, share of enterprises (%) (49)

  44. 13m6 -- Importance of competence areas for enterprises innovation activity from not important (1) to highly important (5) and sufficiency of competence by enterprise size class, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Size class: Total, 10 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73 Services, (3)
    4. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    5. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), R&D and technology, importance 5, competence at the needed level, share of enterprises (%), R&D and technology, importance 5, competence not at the needed level, share of enterprises (%), R&D and technology, importance 4, competence at the needed level, share of enterprises (%), ..., Some other competence areas, importance 1, competence not at the needed level, share of enterprises (%) (101)

  45. 13m7 -- Importance of competence areas for enterprises innovation activity from not important (1) to highly important (5) and sufficiency of competence by industry, 2020

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    1. Year: 2020, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE B-C-D-E-G46-H-J-K-M71-M72-M73, B-C-D-E Total industry, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., M71-73 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis, scientific research and development, advertising and market research (62)
    3. Status of innovation activity: Total number of enterprises, Enterprises with innovation activity, No innovation activity, (3)
    4. Information: Number of enterprises (no.), R&D and technology, importance 5, competence at the needed level, share of enterprises (%), R&D and technology, importance 5, competence not at the needed level, share of enterprises (%), R&D and technology, importance 4, competence at the needed level, share of enterprises (%), ..., Some other competence areas, importance 1, competence not at the needed level, share of enterprises (%) (101)

  46. 001 -- Prevalence of innovation activity by size category of personnel and industry 2000-2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, ..., 2016 (8)
    2. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    3. Size category of personnel: Total, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    4. Contents: Product innovations, Process innovations, Product or process innovations, Innovation projects, ..., All elements (6)

  47. 002 -- Prevalence of innovation activity by industry 2008-2016, share of enteprises

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Total, Manufacturing, total, Mining and quarrying, Food products and beverages, ..., Advertising and market research (42)
    3. Contenets: Number of enterprises, all enterprises, Product innovations (goods and services), Product innovations for a new or improved good, Product innovations for a new or improved service, ..., All elements (all types of innovations) (30)

  48. 003 -- Innovation activity relating to product and process innovations by size category of personnel 2008-2016, share of enterprises with innovation activity relating to product and process innovations

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    3. Size category of personnel: Total, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    4. Contents: Number of enterprises, enterprises with innovation activity connected to product and process innovations, In-house R&D, Continuous in-house R&D, Occasional in-house R&D, ..., Hampering factor/barrier, no need because of no demand, low importance (161)

  49. 004 -- Innovation activity relating to product and process innovations by industry 2008-2016, share of enterprises with innovation activity relating to product and process innovations

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Total, Manufacturing, total, Mining and quarrying, Food products and beverages, ..., Advertising and market research (42)
    3. Contents: Number of enterprises, enterprises with innovation activity connected to product and process innovations, In-house R&D, Continuous in-house R&D, Occasional in-house R&D, ..., Hampering factor/barrier, no need because of no demand, low importance (161)

  50. 005 -- Prevalence of innovation activity by size category of personnel 2008-2016, share of enteprises

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    3. Size category of personnel: Total, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    4. Contents: Number of enterprises, all enterprises, Product innovations (goods and services), Product innovations for a new or improved good, Product innovations for a new or improved service, ..., All elements (all types of innovations) (30)

  51. 006 -- Proportions of product innovations and unchanged products of turnover by size category of personnel and industry 2000-2016

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    1. Year: 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, ..., 2016 (8)
    2. Group: All enterprises, Enterprises with product innovations, (2)
    3. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    4. Size category of personnel: Total, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    5. Contents: Products new to the market, Products new only to the enterprise, Unchanged products, (3)

  52. 007 -- Product innovations to the market 2008-2016, share of enterprises and share of the turnover which had brought product innovations to the market

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Total, Manufacturing, total, Food products and beverages, Textiles, ..., Advertising and market research (42)
    3. Contents: Number of enterprises, Only good innovations, Only service innovation, Both good and service innovations, ..., Share of unchanged products of the turnover (24)

  53. 008 -- Product innovations to the market by size category of personnel 2008-2016, share of enterprises and share of the turnover which had brought product innovations to the market

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: All NACE, Services, Manufacturing, (3)
    3. Size category of personnel: TOTAL, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    4. Contents: Number of enterprises, Only good innovations, Only service innovation, Both good and service innovations, ..., Share of unchanged products of the turnover (24)

  54. 009 -- Innovation activity according to a form of enterprise and industry 2008-2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    3. Form of enterprise: Independent enterprise, Part of a foreign group, Part of a Finnish group, (3)
    4. Contents: Number of enterprises, Product innovations (good and services), Process innovations, Product or process innovations, ..., Innovation activity, broadly defined (18)

  55. 010 -- Innovation expenditure by industry 2008-2016

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    1. Year: 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 (5)
    2. Industry: 05-09 Mining and quarrying, 10-11 Food products and beverages, 13-15 Textile, clothing, leather and footwear industry, 16-18 Wood and paper industry, ..., 46, 49-53, 58-66, 71-73 Services, total (23)
    3. Contents: In-house R&D, External R&D, Acquisition of machinery, equipment, software and buildings, Acquisition of existing knowledge from other enterprises or organisations, ..., Total expenditure on innovation activities (6)

  56. 011 -- Use of big data and public sector open data in enterprises according to the size category of personnel 2014-2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2016, 2014, (2)
    2. Size category of personnel: Total, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    4. Contents: Number of enterprises, all enterprises, At least one of the data applications high in importance, At least one of the data applications high or medium in importance, The importance of data use medium at highest, ..., Data, buying big data from other enterprises, not relevant to the enterprise (54)

  57. 012 -- Use of big data and public sector open data in enterprises by industry 2014-2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2016, 2014, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Total, Manufacturing, total, Mining and quarrying, Food products and beverages, ..., Advertising and market research (42)
    3. Contents: Number of enterprises, all enterprises, At least one of the data applications high in importance, At least one of the data applications high or medium in importance, The importance of data use medium at highest, ..., Data, buying big data from other enterprises, not relevant to the enterprise (54)

  58. 013 -- Use of digitalisation in enterprises according to size category of personnel 2014-2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2016, 2014, (2)
    2. Size category of personnel: Total, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    4. Contents: Number of enterprises, all enterprises, At least one of the factors related to digitalisation thought to have hight importance, At least one of the factors related to digitalisation thought to have hight or medium importance, Factors related to digitalisation, medium importance at highest, ..., Digitalisation, digitalisation in distributing products, not relevant to the enterprise (42)

  59. 014 -- Use of digitalisation in enterprises by industry 2014-2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2016, 2014, (2)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Total, Manufacturing, total, Mining and quarrying, Food products and beverages, ..., Advertising and market research (42)
    3. Contents: Number of enterprises, all enterprises, At least one of the factors related to digitalisation thought to have hight importance, At least one of the factors related to digitalisation thought to have hight or medium importance, Factors related to digitalisation, medium importance at highest, ..., Digitalisation, digitalisation in distributing products, not relevant to the enterprise (42)

  60. 015 -- Cooperation between enterprises and universities according to size category of personnel, year 2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2016, (1)
    2. Size category of personnel: TOTAL, 10-49, 50-249, 250+, (4)
    3. Industry: All NACE, Manufacturing, Services, (3)
    4. Contents: Number of enterprises, Collaboration between enterprises and universities, No collaboration between enterprises and universities, Collaboration with domestic universities, ..., In future, cooperation only with foreign universities (86)

  61. 016 -- Cooperation between enterprises and universities by industry, year 2016, share of enterprises

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    1. Year: 2016, (1)
    2. Industry: All NACE - Total, Manufacturing, total, Mining and quarrying, Food products and beverages, ..., Advertising and market research (42)
    3. Contenets: Number of enterprises, Collaboration between enterprises and universities, No collaboration between enterprises and universities, Collaboration with domestic universities, ..., In future, cooperation only with foreign universities (86)