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  1. 1.1. Municipal elections 1976-2017, data on voting

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    1. Area: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsingfors valkrets, 091 Helsinki, 02 Nylands valkrets, ..., 941 Vårdö (496)
    2. Year: 2017, 2012, 2008, 2004, ..., 1976 (11)
    3. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, (3)

  2. Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Area: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (474)
    2. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Municipal councillors (21)

  3. Age and sex distribution of candidates by party in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Age on election day: Total, 18 years, 19 years, 20 years, ..., 90 years (71)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (20)

  4. Age distribution of candidates by party and sex in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (20)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  5. Age distribution of candidates by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Councillors (14)

  6. Number and average age of candidates by party, constituency and municipality in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (474)
    2. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Others (10)
    3. Number: Number of candidates, Average age, (2)

  7. 1.2. Municipal elections 1976-2017, support for parties

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    1. Area: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsingfors valkrets, 091 Helsinki, 02 Nylands valkrets, ..., 941 Vårdö (496)
    2. Year: 2017, 2012, 2008, 2004, ..., 1976 (11)
    3. Party: Number of votes cast per party, total, KOK, SDP, KESK (**LKP-84), ..., Others (28)
    4. Support for parties: Number of votes cast, Proportion of all votes cast, Seats in the council, Proportion of seats in the council, (4)

  8. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Helsinki constituency

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    1. Candidate: Aaltola Anneli / KESK / Helsinki, Airaksinen Pekka / KESK / Helsinki, Alku Antero / KESK / Helsinki, Antila Mauri / KESK / Helsinki, ..., Hammoud Walid / Others / Helsinki (954)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  9. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Uusimaa constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahlgren Jukka / KESK / Askola, Ahonen Marjo / KESK / Askola, Colliander Raoul / KESK / Askola, Erkkilä Miika / KESK / Askola, ..., Vanne Kaino / PS (SMP) / Vihti (4623)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  10. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

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    1. Candidate: Heikkinen Timo / KESK / Alastaro, Huhtala Raimo / KESK / Alastaro, Huotilainen Vili-Valtteri / KESK / Alastaro, Jalonen Vesa / KESK / Alastaro, ..., Peräalho Jouni / NUORS, SKS -04 / Yläne (4396)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  11. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Satakunta constituency

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    1. Candidate: Halminen Jaakko / KESK / Eura, Jalonen Sanna / KESK / Eura, Jussila Arja / KESK / Eura, Kahala Anja / KESK / Eura, ..., Säilä Anita / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Vampula (2507)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  12. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Häme constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahtiainen Jani / KESK / Artjärvi, Airaksinen Eila / KESK / Artjärvi, Alaharju Veijo / KESK / Artjärvi, Anttila Ari / KESK / Artjärvi, ..., Oja Vesa / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Ypäjä (2986)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  13. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Pirkanmaa constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahola Mikko / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, Eloranta Pasi / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, Hätönen Juha / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, Härkki-Santala Maria / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, ..., Virtanen Seppo / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Äetsä (3585)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  14. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Kymi constituency

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    1. Candidate: Backman Markku / KESK / Elimäki, Eskola Paula / KESK / Elimäki, Fellman Mervi / KESK / Elimäki, Halsola Pertti / KESK / Elimäki, ..., Törmälä Ville / KOK / Ylämaa (2526)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  15. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, South Savo constituency

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    1. Candidate: Asikainen Olli-Matti / KESK / Enonkoski, Haverinen Helena / KESK / Enonkoski, Heikkinen Kirsti / KESK / Enonkoski, Heiskanen Satu / KESK / Enonkoski, ..., Vihavainen Pauli / PS (SMP) / Sulkava (1708)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  16. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, North Savo constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahonen Lauri / KESK / Iisalmi, Ahonen Veikko / KESK / Iisalmi, Auvinen Juha / KESK / Iisalmi, Eestilä Markku / KESK / Iisalmi, ..., Vimpari Matti / Others / Vieremä (2148)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  17. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, North Karelia constituency

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    1. Candidate: Hallberg Jaana / KESK / Eno, Hassinen Tuomo / KESK / Eno, Heikura Irma / KESK / Eno, Hirvonen Kaisu / KESK / Eno, ..., Sormunen Ilmari / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Valtimo (1690)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  18. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Vaasa constituency

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    1. Candidate: Antila Tuure / KESK / Alahärmä, Ekola Tapio / KESK / Alahärmä, Hakanpää Juhani / KESK / Alahärmä, Hautala Anne / KESK / Alahärmä, ..., Hautoniemi Matti / PS (SMP) / Ähtäri (4764)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  19. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Central Finland constituency

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    1. Candidate: Aitto-oja Olli / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hatakka Markku / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hokkanen Osmo / KESK / Hankasalmi, Halmemies Taina / KESK / Hankasalmi, ..., Oksanen Juhani / KD (SKL) / Äänekoski (2379)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  20. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Oulu constituency

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    1. Candidate: Brax Anna-Leena / KESK / Alavieska, Hannula Sulo / KESK / Alavieska, Hemmilä Virpi / KESK / Alavieska, Hietala Marko / KESK / Alavieska, ..., Oksanen Henri / KD (SKL) / Ylivieska (3832)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  21. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2004, Lapland constituency

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    1. Candidate: Aidantausta Esa / KESK / Enontekiö, Alamattila Jaakko / KESK / Enontekiö, Alatörmänen Seppo / KESK / Enontekiö, Eira Rauno / KESK / Enontekiö, ..., Sainmaa Lassi / Others / Ylitornio (1808)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  22. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Helsinki constituency

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    1. Candidate: Aaltola Anneli / KESK / Helsinki, Airaksinen Pekka / KESK / Helsinki, Alku Antero / KESK / Helsinki, Antila Mauri / KESK / Helsinki, ..., Hammoud Walid / Others / Helsinki (954)
    2. Voting district: Helsinki, Helsinki / Kruununhaka A, Helsinki / Kruununhaka B, Helsinki / Kaartinkaupunki, ..., Helsinki / Ä-alue 090A (156)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  23. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Uusimaa constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahlgren Jukka / KESK / Askola, Ahonen Marjo / KESK / Askola, Colliander Raoul / KESK / Askola, Erkkilä Miika / KESK / Askola, ..., Vanne Kaino / PS (SMP) / Vihti (4623)
    2. Voting district: Askola, Askola / Keskinen, Askola / Läntinen, Askola / Itäinen, ..., Vihti / Etelä-Vihti (407)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  24. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

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    1. Candidate: Heikkinen Timo / KESK / Alastaro, Huhtala Raimo / KESK / Alastaro, Huotilainen Vili-Valtteri / KESK / Alastaro, Jalonen Vesa / KESK / Alastaro, ..., Peräalho Jouni / NUORS, SKS -04 / Yläne (4396)
    2. Voting district: Alastaro, Alastaro / Kirkonkylä, Alastaro / Virttaa, Askainen, ..., Yläne / Uusikartano (248)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  25. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Satakunta constituency

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    1. Candidate: Halminen Jaakko / KESK / Eura, Jalonen Sanna / KESK / Eura, Jussila Arja / KESK / Eura, Kahala Anja / KESK / Eura, ..., Säilä Anita / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Vampula (2507)
    2. Voting district: Eura, Eura / Kauttua, Eura / Vahe, Eura / Kirkonkylä, ..., Vampula / Vampula (156)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  26. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Häme constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahtiainen Jani / KESK / Artjärvi, Airaksinen Eila / KESK / Artjärvi, Alaharju Veijo / KESK / Artjärvi, Anttila Ari / KESK / Artjärvi, ..., Oja Vesa / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Ypäjä (2986)
    2. Voting district: Artjärvi, Artjärvi / Artjärvi, Asikkala, Asikkala / Vääksy, ..., Ypäjä / Ä-alue 001 (195)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  27. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Pirkanmaa constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahola Mikko / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, Eloranta Pasi / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, Hätönen Juha / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, Härkki-Santala Maria / KESK / Hämeenkyrö, ..., Virtanen Seppo / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Äetsä (3585)
    2. Voting district: Hämeenkyrö, Hämeenkyrö / Hämeenkyrön läntinen, Hämeenkyrö / Hämeenkyrön eteläinen, Hämeenkyrö / Hämeenkyrön itäinen, ..., Äetsä / Keikyä (209)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  28. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Kymi constituency

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    1. Candidate: Backman Markku / KESK / Elimäki, Eskola Paula / KESK / Elimäki, Fellman Mervi / KESK / Elimäki, Halsola Pertti / KESK / Elimäki, ..., Törmälä Ville / KOK / Ylämaa (2526)
    2. Voting district: Elimäki, Elimäki / Kirkonkylä, Elimäki / Koria, Elimäki / Nappa, ..., Ylämaa / Ylämaa (230)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  29. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, South Savo constituency

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    1. Candidate: Asikainen Olli-Matti / KESK / Enonkoski, Haverinen Helena / KESK / Enonkoski, Heikkinen Kirsti / KESK / Enonkoski, Heiskanen Satu / KESK / Enonkoski, ..., Vihavainen Pauli / PS (SMP) / Sulkava (1708)
    2. Voting district: Enonkoski, Enonkoski / Enonkoski, Haukivuori, Haukivuori / Haukivuori as., ..., Sulkava / Lohilahti (148)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  30. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, North Savo constituency

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    1. Candidate: Ahonen Lauri / KESK / Iisalmi, Ahonen Veikko / KESK / Iisalmi, Auvinen Juha / KESK / Iisalmi, Eestilä Markku / KESK / Iisalmi, ..., Vimpari Matti / Others / Vieremä (2146)
    2. Voting district: Iisalmi, Iisalmi / Hernejärvi, Iisalmi / Kangaslampi, Iisalmi / Keskustan itäinen, ..., Vieremä / Pohjoinen (163)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  31. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, North Karelia constituency

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    1. Candidate: Hallberg Jaana / KESK / Eno, Hassinen Tuomo / KESK / Eno, Heikura Irma / KESK / Eno, Hirvonen Kaisu / KESK / Eno, ..., Sormunen Ilmari / LEFT, SKDL, DEVA -88 / Valtimo (1690)
    2. Voting district: Eno, Eno / Ukkola, Eno / Uimaharju, Eno / Louhioja, ..., Valtimo / Ylä-Valtimon äänestysalue (150)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  32. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Vaasa constituency

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    1. Candidate: Antila Tuure / KESK / Alahärmä, Ekola Tapio / KESK / Alahärmä, Hakanpää Juhani / KESK / Alahärmä, Hautala Anne / KESK / Alahärmä, ..., Hautoniemi Matti / PS (SMP) / Ähtäri (4764)
    2. Voting district: Alahärmä, Alahärmä / Hakola, Alahärmä / Kirkonkylä, Alahärmä / Voltti, ..., Ähtäri / Kirkonseutu (388)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  33. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Central Finland constituency

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    1. Candidate: Aitto-oja Olli / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hatakka Markku / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hokkanen Osmo / KESK / Hankasalmi, Halmemies Taina / KESK / Hankasalmi, ..., Oksanen Juhani / KD (SKL) / Äänekoski (2379)
    2. Voting district: Hankasalmi, Hankasalmi / Asema, Hankasalmi / Kirkonkylä, Hankasalmi / Niemisjärvi, ..., Äänekoski / Pyyrinlahti (168)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  34. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Oulu constituency

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    1. Candidate: Brax Anna-Leena / KESK / Alavieska, Hannula Sulo / KESK / Alavieska, Hemmilä Virpi / KESK / Alavieska, Hietala Marko / KESK / Alavieska, ..., Oksanen Henri / KD (SKL) / Ylivieska (3832)
    2. Voting district: Alavieska, Alavieska / Kirkonkylä, Haapajärvi, Haapajärvi / Asemanseutu, ..., Ylivieska / Raudaskylän äänestysalue (340)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  35. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2004, Lapland constituency

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    1. Candidate: Aidantausta Esa / KESK / Enontekiö, Alamattila Jaakko / KESK / Enontekiö, Alatörmänen Seppo / KESK / Enontekiö, Eira Rauno / KESK / Enontekiö, ..., Sainmaa Lassi / Others / Ylitornio (1808)
    2. Voting district: Enontekiö, Enontekiö / Hetta, Enontekiö / Kaaresuvanto, Enontekiö / Kilpisjärvi, ..., Ylitornio / Raanujärvi (+011) (199)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  36. Municipal elections 2004, data on voting

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    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 976 012 Raanujärvi (+011) (3194)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Genders total, Males, Females, (3)

  37. Municipal elections 2004, support for parties

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    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 976 012 Raanujärvi (+011) (3194)
    2. Party: Total, SDP, CENT, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (20)
    3. Support for parties: Number of candidates, Proportion of candidates, Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, ..., Proportion of advance votes (6)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  38. Municipal elections 2004, number of elected councillors

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    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 976 Ylitornio (431)
    2. Party: Total, SDP, CENT, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (20)
    3. Number of elected councillors: Number of elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  39. Number and percentage shares of votes by party, voting turnout by constituency in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 02 Uusimaa constituency, 03 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., 15 Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes cast, (2)
    3. Party: Total, SDP, CENT, KOK, ..., Persons entitled to vote, total (21)

  40. Number and percentage shares of elected councillors by party and constituency in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 02 Uusimaa constituency, 03 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., 15 Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Number: Elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    3. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (20)

  41. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and party in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Party: Total, SDP, CENT, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (20)
    2. Sex: Yhteensä, Miehet, Naiset, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  42. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and constituency in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  43. Number of votes cast for parties, voting turnout, and number of elected councillors by municipality in Municipal elections 2004 and change from the previous elections

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (474)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion, Change from previous elections, Number of elected councillors, (4)
    3. Party: Total, SDP, CENT, KOK, ..., Persons entitled to vote, total (13)

  44. Number of elected councillors and percentage shares by party and constituency in Municipal elections 2004

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Number: Number of councillors, Proportion of party, (2)
    3. Party: Total, SDP, CENT, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (20)

  45. Number of votes cast for the parties and number of councillors by municipality (minor parties), invalid ballots and advance voters in Municipal elections in 2004

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (474)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion, Number of elected councillors, (3)
    3. Data on voting and support for parties: Total, SKS, VEV, KTP, ..., Persons who voted in advance (14)

  46. Persons entitled to vote and persons who voted by sex, valid ballots, municipal councillors and advance votes by party and the number of voting districts and invalid ballots by municipality in the Municipal elections in 2004

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (474)
    2. Number: Number / Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes cast, Elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, ..., Elected councillors 2000 (8)
    3. Data on voting and support for parties: Districts, Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Invalid ballots (31)

  47. Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in Municipal elections 2008

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    1. Area: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (389)
    2. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Municipal councillors (17)

  48. 2.1. Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in Municipal elections 2012

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    1. Area: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (361)
    2. Party: Total, KESK, SDP, KOK, ..., Municipal councillors (19)

  49. 2.1. Number of candidates by party, constituency and type of municipality in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 56502 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Area: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (345)
    2. Party: Total, KESK, SDP, KOK, ..., Municipal councillors (18)

  50. Age and sex distribution of candidates by party in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 14212 Modified: 10/31/2008

    1. Age on election day: Total, 18 years, 19 years, 20 years, ..., 88 years (72)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (16)

  51. 2.2. Age and sex distribution of candidates by party in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 26770 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Age on election day: Total, 18 years, 19 years, 20 years, ..., 92 years (76)
    2. Sex: Total, Male, Females, (3)
    3. Party: Total, KESK, SDP, KOK, ..., Constituency associations (18)

  52. 2.2. Age and sex distribution of candidates by party in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 23735 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Age on election day: Total, 18 years, 19 years, 20 years, ..., 97 years (74)
    2. Sex: Total, Male, Females, (3)
    3. Party: Total, KESK, KOK, PS, ..., Constituency associations (17)

  53. Age distribution of candidates by party and sex in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4573 Modified: 10/31/2008

    1. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  54. 2.3. Age distribution of candidates by party and sex in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 14641 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Party: Total, KESK, SDP, KOK, ..., Constituency associations (18)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  55. 2.3. Age distribution of candidates by party and sex in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 13106 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Party: Total, KESK, KOK, PS, ..., Constituency associations (17)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  56. Age distribution of candidates by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4671 Modified: 10/31/2008

    1. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Councillors (14)

  57. 2.4. Age distribution of candidates by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 10891 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Councillors (14)

  58. 2.4. Age distribution of candidates by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 9082 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (13)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Councillors (14)

  59. 2.5. Age distribution of candidates by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 60710 Modified: 3/31/2017

    1. Area: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (345)
    2. Party: Total, KESK, KOK, PS, ..., Other parties, constituency associations (10)
    3. Number: Number of candidates, Average age, (2)

  60. Number and average age of candidates by party, constituency and municipality in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 42854 Modified: 10/31/2008

    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (389)
    2. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Others (10)
    3. Number: Number of candidates, Average age, (2)

  61. 2.5. Age distribution of candidates by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 64827 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Area: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (361)
    2. Party: Total, KESK, SDP, KOK, ..., Other parties, constituency associations (10)
    3. Number: Number of candidates, Average age, (2)

  62. 2.5. Age distribution of candidates by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 60711 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Area: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (345)
    2. Party: Total, KESK, KOK, PS, ..., Other parties, constituency associations (10)
    3. Number: Number of candidates, Average age, (2)

  63. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Helsinki constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 98387 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Ailus Merja / CENT / Helsinki, Airaksinen Pekka / CENT / Helsinki, Alajoutsijärvi Arto / CENT / Helsinki, Alin Sonja / CENT / Helsinki, ..., Yilmaz Yakup / Others / Helsinki (995)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  64. 3.1. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Helsinki constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 78190 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Abib Mukhtar / KOK / Helsinki, Adamsson Nina / KOK / Helsinki, Ahlbäck-Seppänen Leena / KOK / Helsinki, Ahonen Johanna / KOK / Helsinki, ..., Pankola Damian / Others / Helsinki (1064)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  65. 3.1. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Helsinki constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 194529 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Airikkala Risto / KESK / Helsinki, Alajoutsijärvi Arto / KESK / Helsinki, Alanko Laura / KESK / Helsinki, Alku Antero / KESK / Helsinki, ..., Linnoaro Martti / E1085 / Helsinki (1084)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  66. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Uusimaa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 460719 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Franzén Erik / CENT / Askola, Heljanko Mervi / CENT / Askola, Henna Heli / CENT / Askola, Hopia Teemu / CENT / Askola, ..., Viherkanto Kai / Others / Vihti (5012)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  67. 3.2. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Uusimaa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 366691 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Ellilä Heikki / KOK / Askola, Heikkilä Olli-Pekka / KOK / Askola, Honkasalo Riku / KOK / Askola, Hämäläinen Heli / KOK / Askola, ..., Åhlgren Roni / KD / Vihti (5289)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  68. 3.2. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Uusimaa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 828304 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Hovisilta Heidi / KESK / Askola, Häyrinen Veijo / KESK / Askola, Kiiskinen Rauna / KESK / Askola, Korpela Antti / KESK / Askola, ..., Tanskanen Hannu / PaHaHu / Vihti (4986)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  69. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 352330 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Antikainen Matti / CENT / Aura, Anttonen Minna / CENT / Aura, Elomaa Teemu / CENT / Aura, Haapaniemi Pertti / CENT / Aura, ..., Uusitalo Tuija / PS / Vehmaa (3915)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  70. 3.3. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 250344 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Aalto Pia / KOK / Aura, Antikainen Marita / KOK / Aura, Heikola Janne / KOK / Aura, Isotalo Heikki / KOK / Aura, ..., Topi Satu / Others / Vehmaa (3651)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  71. 3.3. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 545646 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Anttonen Minna / KESK / Aura, Heikka Maj-Len / KESK / Aura, Holmberg Liisa-Anneli / KESK / Aura, Humalajoki Riina / KESK / Aura, ..., Susi Jyrki / UV / Vehmaa (3311)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  72. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Satakunta constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 215856 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Anttila Mari / CENT / Eura, Hakala Manu / CENT / Eura, Heikkilä Marjut / CENT / Eura, Henell Matti / CENT / Eura, ..., Heiskanen Reino / PS / Ulvila (2406)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  73. 3.4. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Satakunta constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 152195 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Anttila Ari / KOK / Eura, Filppula Eero / KOK / Eura, Filppula Pekka / KOK / Eura, Haavisto Jarmo / KOK / Eura, ..., Sievi-Korte Aimo / KD / Ulvila (2203)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  74. 3.4. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Satakunta constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 308069 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Ala-Hakula Vesa / KESK / Eura, Eskola Jani / KESK / Eura, Haavisto Marko / KESK / Eura, Halminen Mirja / KESK / Eura, ..., Tuohiniemi Satu / CD / Ulvila (1817)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  75. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Häme constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 261582 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Ahtiainen Jani / CENT / Artjärvi, Anttila Ari / CENT / Artjärvi, Halme Hannu-Pekka / CENT / Artjärvi, Harju Sinikka / CENT / Artjärvi, ..., Heikkilä Markku / PS / Ypäjä (2860)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  76. 3.5. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Häme constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 200052 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Bouras Eija / KOK / Asikkala, Ikävalko Viivi / KOK / Asikkala, Jarvansalo Kari / KOK / Asikkala, Jokinen Kaarina / KOK / Asikkala, ..., Simola Veijo / VAS / Ypäjä (2857)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  77. 3.5. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Häme constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 438356 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Ala-Hemmilä Pirjo / KESK / Asikkala, Anttila Raimo / KESK / Asikkala, Harmaala Miina / KESK / Asikkala, Helminen Paula / KESK / Asikkala, ..., Oja Vesa / VAS / Ypäjä (2583)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  78. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Pirkanmaa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 326439 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Anttila Markku / CENT / Akaa, Eerola Markku / CENT / Akaa, Gillberg Hannele / CENT / Akaa, Halonen Irma Kaarina / CENT / Akaa, ..., Tapanainen Anita / Others / Ylöjärvi (3545)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  79. 3.6. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Pirkanmaa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 228822 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Aarnio Petri / KOK / Akaa, Ahlfors Sirpa / KOK / Akaa, Akkoyun Turan / KOK / Akaa, Ansamaa Kari / KOK / Akaa, ..., Siidoroff Terhi / SKP / Ylöjärvi (3259)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  80. 3.6. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Pirkanmaa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 519694 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Ahonen Jukka / KESK / Akaa, Anttila Markku / KESK / Akaa, Hepo-oja Tapani / KESK / Akaa, Kaajala-Selkama Sari / KESK / Akaa, ..., Lyttinen Esa / PIR / Ylöjärvi (3041)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  81. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Kymi constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 211599 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Ahola Matti / CENT / Hamina, Ahola Milja / CENT / Hamina, Filppu Arja / CENT / Hamina, Holopainen Paula / CENT / Hamina, ..., Naumanen Ville / PS / Ylämaa (2295)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  82. 3.7. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Kymi constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 147925 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Hartikainen Veli-Matti / KOK / Hamina, Heikkilä Katja / KOK / Hamina, Inkeroinen Elina / KOK / Hamina, Järvenpää Aki / KOK / Hamina, ..., Paldanius Sannamari / VIHR / Virolahti (2088)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  83. 3.7. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Southeast Finland constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 527783 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Huoman Hannu / KESK / Enonkoski, Järveläinen Asko / KESK / Enonkoski, Kautonen Tuomo / KESK / Enonkoski, Kukko Juha / KESK / Enonkoski, ..., Paldanius Sannamari / GREEN / Virolahti (3069)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  84. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, South Savo constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 146679 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Asikainen Paula / CENT / Enonkoski, Kaasinen Matti / CENT / Enonkoski, Kautonen Tuomo / CENT / Enonkoski, Kukko Juha / CENT / Enonkoski, ..., Siljander Kristiina / KD / Sulkava (1576)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  85. 3.8. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, South Savo constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 108310 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Airas Jani / SDP / Enonkoski, Kaasinen Jukka / SDP / Enonkoski, Karvinen Seppo / SDP / Enonkoski, Klemettinen Helvi / SDP / Enonkoski, ..., Rönkkönen Siilas / KD / Sulkava (1496)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  86. 3.8. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Savo-Karelia constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 545022 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Farin Kaija / KESK / Iisalmi, Haanketo Olavi / KESK / Iisalmi, Haikarainen Kari / KESK / Iisalmi, Halonen Keijo / KESK / Iisalmi, ..., Ronkainen Katja / MK-KT2 / Vieremä (3180)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  87. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, North Savo constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 199068 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Auvinen Juha / CENT / Iisalmi, Francis Erja / CENT / Iisalmi, Halonen Keijo / CENT / Iisalmi, Heinonen Pertti / CENT / Iisalmi, ..., Kaikkonen Risto / Others / Vieremä (2150)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  88. 3.9. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, North Savo constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 143297 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Antikainen Irma / KOK / Iisalmi, Eestilä Markku / KOK / Iisalmi, Haikarainen Pia / KOK / Iisalmi, Halonen Seppo / KOK / Iisalmi, ..., Tarvainen Marjo / Others / Vieremä (2004)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  89. 3.9. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Vaasa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 623930 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Aho Jaakko / KESK / Alajärvi, Aho Seppo / KESK / Alajärvi, Ahopelto Siiri / KESK / Alajärvi, Ala-Mattinen Risto / KESK / Alajärvi, ..., Ylä-Pöntinen Tanja / CD / Ähtäri (3693)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  90. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, North Karelia constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 142035 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Haaranen Arto / CENT / Ilomantsi, Hiltunen Hilkka / CENT / Ilomantsi, Hoskonen Hannu / CENT / Ilomantsi, Ihalainen Heimo / CENT / Ilomantsi, ..., Memonen Lauri / PS / Valtimo (1542)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  91. 3.10. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, North Karelia constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 107528 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Hassinen Heidi / KOK / Ilomantsi, Kahelin Matti / KOK / Ilomantsi, Koivuniemi Arvi / KOK / Ilomantsi, Koivuniemi-Piipponen Sinikka / KOK / Ilomantsi, ..., Kuokkanen Marketta / KD / Valtimo (1513)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  92. 3.10. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Central Finland constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 358309 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Hyvönen Mervi / KESK / Hankasalmi, Häkkinen Markku / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hänninen Jukka / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hänninen Sanna / KESK / Hankasalmi, ..., Vesalainen Mika / CD / Äänekoski (2071)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  93. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Vaasa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 397749 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Aho Jaakko / CENT / Alajärvi, Ahonen Esko / CENT / Alajärvi, Ala-Mattinen Mika / CENT / Alajärvi, Etula Anne-Mari / CENT / Alajärvi, ..., Takala Lea / PS / Ähtäri (4381)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  94. 3.11. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Vaasa constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 293541 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Aho Jaakko / KOK / Alajärvi, Autio Ari / KOK / Alajärvi, Harju Kimmo / KOK / Alajärvi, Joensuu Jukka / KOK / Alajärvi, ..., Ylä-Pöntinen Tanja / KD / Ähtäri (4201)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  95. 3.11. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Oulu constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 533983 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Alahautala Osmo / KESK / Alavieska, Brax Anna-Leena / KESK / Alavieska, Hannula Kaija / KESK / Alavieska, Hannus Jani / KESK / Alavieska, ..., Yrttiaho Jaana / CD / Ylivieska (3164)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  96. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Central Finland constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 210017 Modified: 10/12/2012

    1. Candidate: Aitto-oja Sauli / CENT / Hankasalmi, Haavisto Johanna / CENT / Hankasalmi, Hytönen Johanna / CENT / Hankasalmi, Häkkinen Ari / CENT / Hankasalmi, ..., Kaijalainen Jouko / Others / Äänekoski (2282)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  97. 3.12. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Central Finland constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 152631 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Elers Salla-Birgitta / KOK / Hankasalmi, Hämäläinen Jobelle / KOK / Hankasalmi, Korhonen Matti / KOK / Hankasalmi, Manninen Sari / KOK / Hankasalmi, ..., Turunen Ann-Niina / KD / Äänekoski (2147)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  98. 3.12. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2017, Lapland constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 278150 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Alamattila Jaakko / KESK / Enontekiö, Alatörmänen Seppo / KESK / Enontekiö, Eira-Keskitalo Satu-Marja / KESK / Enontekiö, Juuso Piia / KESK / Enontekiö, ..., Yrjänheikki Armi / VAS / Ylitornio (1619)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  99. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Oulu constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 341792 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Autio Helinä / CENT / Alavieska, Brax Anna-Leena / CENT / Alavieska, Hannula Kaija / CENT / Alavieska, Hannus Jani / CENT / Alavieska, ..., Åkerlund Katja / KD / Ylivieska (3792)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  100. 3.13. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Oulu constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 245054 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Murto Jari / KOK / Alavieska, Korpinen Arvi / KOK / Alavieska, Kotka Jorma / PS / Alavieska, Nahkala Kari / PS / Alavieska, ..., Åkerlund Mika / KD / Ylivieska (3543)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  101. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2008, Lapland constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 160489 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Aidantausta Esa / CENT / Enontekiö, Alamattila Jaakko / CENT / Enontekiö, Angeli Karri / CENT / Enontekiö, Eira-Keskitalo Satu-Marja / CENT / Enontekiö, ..., Lantto Timo Pekka / Others / Ylitornio (1758)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  102. 3.14. Candidates by municipality in Municipal elections 2012, Lapland constituency

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 127482 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Aaltonen Johanna / KOK / Enontekiö, Hautamäki Helinä / KOK / Enontekiö, Ikonen Pasi / KOK / Enontekiö, Mäkitalo Hannu / KOK / Enontekiö, ..., Yrjänheikki Armi / VAS / Ylitornio (1809)
    2. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  103. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Helsinki constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 6990836 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Ailus Merja / CENT / Helsinki, Airaksinen Pekka / CENT / Helsinki, Alajoutsijärvi Arto / CENT / Helsinki, Alin Sonja / CENT / Helsinki, ..., Yilmaz Yakup / Others / Helsinki (995)
    2. Voting district: Helsinki, Helsinki / Kruununhaka A, Helsinki / Kruununhaka B, Helsinki / Kaartinkaupunki, ..., Helsinki / Ä-alue 090A (159)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  104. 4.1. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Helsinki constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 3858950 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Abib Mukhtar / KOK / Helsinki, Adamsson Nina / KOK / Helsinki, Ahlbäck-Seppänen Leena / KOK / Helsinki, Ahonen Johanna / KOK / Helsinki, ..., Pankola Damian / Others / Helsinki (1064)
    2. Voting district: Helsinki, Helsinki / Kruununhaka A, Helsinki / Kruununhaka B, Helsinki / Kaartinkaupunki, ..., Helsinki / Ä-alue 090A (159)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  105. 4.1. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Helsinki constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 4261707 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Airikkala Risto / KESK / Helsinki, Alajoutsijärvi Arto / KESK / Helsinki, Alanko Laura / KESK / Helsinki, Alku Antero / KESK / Helsinki, ..., Linnoaro Martti / E1085 / Helsinki (1084)
    2. Voting district: Helsinki, Helsinki / Kruununhaka A, Helsinki / Kruununhaka B, Helsinki / Kaartinkaupunki, ..., Helsinki / Ä-alue 090A (167)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  106. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Uusimaa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 47703077 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Franzén Erik / CENT / Askola, Heljanko Mervi / CENT / Askola, Henna Heli / CENT / Askola, Hopia Teemu / CENT / Askola, ..., Viherkanto Kai / Others / Vihti (5012)
    2. Voting district: Askola, Askola / Keskinen, Askola / Läntinen, Askola / Itäinen, ..., Vihti / Etelä-Vihti (405)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  107. 4.2. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Uusimaa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 29839493 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Ellilä Heikki / KOK / Askola, Heikkilä Olli-Pekka / KOK / Askola, Honkasalo Riku / KOK / Askola, Hämäläinen Heli / KOK / Askola, ..., Åhlgren Roni / KD / Vihti (5289)
    2. Voting district: Askola, Askola / Keskinen, Askola / Läntinen, Askola / Itäinen, ..., Vihti / Etelä-Vihti (384)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  108. 4.2. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Uusimaa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 26596476 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Hovisilta Heidi / KESK / Askola, Häyrinen Veijo / KESK / Askola, Kiiskinen Rauna / KESK / Askola, Korpela Antti / KESK / Askola, ..., Tanskanen Hannu / PaHaHu / Vihti (4986)
    2. Voting district: Askola, Askola / Keskinen, Askola / Läntinen, Askola / Itäinen, ..., Vihti / Etelä-Vihti (355)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  109. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 19535470 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Antikainen Matti / CENT / Aura, Anttonen Minna / CENT / Aura, Elomaa Teemu / CENT / Aura, Haapaniemi Pertti / CENT / Aura, ..., Uusitalo Tuija / PS / Vehmaa (3915)
    2. Voting district: Aura, Aura / Auran äänestysalue, Kaarina, Kaarina / Littoinen, ..., Vehmaa / Ä-alue 001 (209)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  110. 4.3. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 11249450 Modified: 3/3/2020

    1. Candidate: Aalto Pia / KOK / Aura, Antikainen Marita / KOK / Aura, Heikola Janne / KOK / Aura, Isotalo Heikki / KOK / Aura, ..., Topi Satu / Others / Vehmaa (3651)
    2. Voting district: Aura, Aura / Aura, Kaarina, Kaarina / Littoinen, ..., Vehmaa / Ä-alue 001 (200)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  111. 4.3. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Varsinais-Suomi constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 9136733 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Anttonen Minna / KESK / Aura, Heikka Maj-Len / KESK / Aura, Holmberg Liisa-Anneli / KESK / Aura, Humalajoki Riina / KESK / Aura, ..., Susi Jyrki / UV / Vehmaa (3311)
    2. Voting district: Aura, Aura / Aura, Kaarina, Kaarina / Littoinen, ..., Vehmaa / Ä-alue 001 (178)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  112. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Satakunta constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 7819444 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Anttila Mari / CENT / Eura, Hakala Manu / CENT / Eura, Heikkilä Marjut / CENT / Eura, Henell Matti / CENT / Eura, ..., Heiskanen Reino / PS / Ulvila (2406)
    2. Voting district: Eura, Eura / Kauttua, Eura / Vahe, Eura / Kirkonkylä, ..., Ulvila / Kullaa (136)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  113. 4.4. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Satakunta constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 4150000 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Anttila Ari / KOK / Eura, Filppula Eero / KOK / Eura, Filppula Pekka / KOK / Eura, Haavisto Jarmo / KOK / Eura, ..., Sievi-Korte Aimo / KD / Ulvila (2203)
    2. Voting district: Eura, Eura / Kauttua, Eura / Vahe, Eura / Kirkonkylä, ..., Ulvila / Kullaa (125)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  114. 4.4. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Satakunta constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 2853431 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Ala-Hakula Vesa / KESK / Eura, Eskola Jani / KESK / Eura, Haavisto Marko / KESK / Eura, Halminen Mirja / KESK / Eura, ..., Tuohiniemi Satu / CD / Ulvila (1817)
    2. Voting district: Eura, Eura / Eura, Eura / Kauttua, Eura / Kiukainen, ..., Ulvila / Kullaa (96)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  115. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Häme constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 11981990 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Ahtiainen Jani / CENT / Artjärvi, Anttila Ari / CENT / Artjärvi, Halme Hannu-Pekka / CENT / Artjärvi, Harju Sinikka / CENT / Artjärvi, ..., Heikkilä Markku / PS / Ypäjä (2860)
    2. Voting district: Artjärvi, Artjärvi / Artjärvi, Asikkala, Asikkala / Vääksy, ..., Ypäjä / Ä-alue 001 (178)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  116. 4.5. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Häme constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 6659543 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Bouras Eija / KOK / Asikkala, Ikävalko Viivi / KOK / Asikkala, Jarvansalo Kari / KOK / Asikkala, Jokinen Kaarina / KOK / Asikkala, ..., Simola Veijo / VAS / Ypäjä (2857)
    2. Voting district: Asikkala, Asikkala / Vääksy, Asikkala / Anianpelto, Asikkala / Kirkonkylä, ..., Ypäjä / Ä-alue 001 (158)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  117. 4.5. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Häme constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 5323403 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Ala-Hemmilä Pirjo / KESK / Asikkala, Anttila Raimo / KESK / Asikkala, Harmaala Miina / KESK / Asikkala, Helminen Paula / KESK / Asikkala, ..., Oja Vesa / VAS / Ypäjä (2583)
    2. Voting district: Asikkala, Asikkala / Vääksy, Asikkala / Länsi-Asikkala, Asikkala / Kalkkinen, ..., Ypäjä / Ä-alue 001 (131)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  118. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Pirkanmaa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 16122564 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Anttila Markku / CENT / Akaa, Eerola Markku / CENT / Akaa, Gillberg Hannele / CENT / Akaa, Halonen Irma Kaarina / CENT / Akaa, ..., Tapanainen Anita / Others / Ylöjärvi (3545)
    2. Voting district: Akaa, Akaa / Toijalan läntinen äänestysalue, Akaa / Toijalan itäinen äänestysalue, Akaa / Viialan äänestysalue, ..., Ylöjärvi / Etelä-Kuru (191)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  119. 4.6. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Pirkanmaa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 10258559 Modified: 3/3/2020

    1. Candidate: Aarnio Petri / KOK / Akaa, Ahlfors Sirpa / KOK / Akaa, Akkoyun Turan / KOK / Akaa, Ansamaa Kari / KOK / Akaa, ..., Siidoroff Terhi / SKP / Ylöjärvi (3259)
    2. Voting district: Akaa, Akaa / Toijalan läntinen, Akaa / Toijalan itäinen, Akaa / Viiala, ..., Ylöjärvi / Kuru (203)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  120. 4.6. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Pirkanmaa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 9598222 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Ahonen Jukka / KESK / Akaa, Anttila Markku / KESK / Akaa, Hepo-oja Tapani / KESK / Akaa, Kaajala-Selkama Sari / KESK / Akaa, ..., Lyttinen Esa / PIR / Ylöjärvi (3041)
    2. Voting district: Akaa, Akaa / Toijalan läntinen, Akaa / Toijalan itäinen, Akaa / Viiala, ..., Ylöjärvi / Kuru (203)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  121. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Kymi constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 11444593 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Ahola Matti / CENT / Hamina, Ahola Milja / CENT / Hamina, Filppu Arja / CENT / Hamina, Holopainen Paula / CENT / Hamina, ..., Naumanen Ville / PS / Ylämaa (2295)
    2. Voting district: Hamina, Hamina / Alakaupunki, Hamina / Husula, Hamina / Kannusjärvi, ..., Ylämaa / Ylämaa (203)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  122. 4.7. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Kymi constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 5143008 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Hartikainen Veli-Matti / KOK / Hamina, Heikkilä Katja / KOK / Hamina, Inkeroinen Elina / KOK / Hamina, Järvenpää Aki / KOK / Hamina, ..., Paldanius Sannamari / VIHR / Virolahti (2088)
    2. Voting district: Hamina, Hamina / Alakaupunki, Hamina / Husula, Hamina / Kannusjärvi, ..., Virolahti / Virojoki (163)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  123. 4.7. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Southeast Finland constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 10099248 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Huoman Hannu / KESK / Enonkoski, Järveläinen Asko / KESK / Enonkoski, Kautonen Tuomo / KESK / Enonkoski, Kukko Juha / KESK / Enonkoski, ..., Paldanius Sannamari / GREEN / Virolahti (3069)
    2. Voting district: Enonkoski, Enonkoski / Enonkoski, Hamina, Hamina / Alakaupunki, ..., Virolahti / Virojoki (217)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  124. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, South Savo constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 4387149 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Asikainen Paula / CENT / Enonkoski, Kaasinen Matti / CENT / Enonkoski, Kautonen Tuomo / CENT / Enonkoski, Kukko Juha / CENT / Enonkoski, ..., Siljander Kristiina / KD / Sulkava (1576)
    2. Voting district: Enonkoski, Enonkoski / Enonkoski, Heinävesi, Heinävesi / Itä-Heinäveden äänestysalue, ..., Sulkava / Lohilahti (115)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  125. 4.8. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, South Savo constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 2211691 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Airas Jani / SDP / Enonkoski, Kaasinen Jukka / SDP / Enonkoski, Karvinen Seppo / SDP / Enonkoski, Klemettinen Helvi / SDP / Enonkoski, ..., Rönkkönen Siilas / KD / Sulkava (1496)
    2. Voting district: Enonkoski, Enonkoski / Enonkoski, Heinävesi, Heinävesi / Etelä-Heinävesi, ..., Sulkava / Lohilahti (95)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  126. 4.8. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Savo-Karelia constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 9838479 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Farin Kaija / KESK / Iisalmi, Haanketo Olavi / KESK / Iisalmi, Haikarainen Kari / KESK / Iisalmi, Halonen Keijo / KESK / Iisalmi, ..., Ronkainen Katja / MK-KT2 / Vieremä (3180)
    2. Voting district: Iisalmi, Iisalmi / Eteläinen, Iisalmi / Hernejärvi, Iisalmi / Kangaslampi, ..., Vieremä / Vieremä (202)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  127. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, North Savo constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 7778004 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Auvinen Juha / CENT / Iisalmi, Francis Erja / CENT / Iisalmi, Halonen Keijo / CENT / Iisalmi, Heinonen Pertti / CENT / Iisalmi, ..., Kaikkonen Risto / Others / Vieremä (2150)
    2. Voting district: Iisalmi, Iisalmi / Hernejärvi, Iisalmi / Kangaslampi, Iisalmi / Keskustan itäinen, ..., Vieremä / Pohjoinen (150)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  128. 4.9. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, North Savo constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 4067802 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Antikainen Irma / KOK / Iisalmi, Eestilä Markku / KOK / Iisalmi, Haikarainen Pia / KOK / Iisalmi, Halonen Seppo / KOK / Iisalmi, ..., Tarvainen Marjo / Others / Vieremä (2004)
    2. Voting district: Iisalmi, Iisalmi / Hernejärvi, Iisalmi / Kangaslampi, Iisalmi / Keskustan itäinen, ..., Vieremä / Vieremä (133)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  129. 4.9. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Vaasa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 16161392 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Aho Jaakko / KESK / Alajärvi, Aho Seppo / KESK / Alajärvi, Ahopelto Siiri / KESK / Alajärvi, Ala-Mattinen Risto / KESK / Alajärvi, ..., Ylä-Pöntinen Tanja / CD / Ähtäri (3693)
    2. Voting district: Alajärvi, Alajärvi / Itäinen, Alajärvi / Läntinen, Alajärvi / Eteläinen, ..., Ähtäri / Ähtäri (296)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  130. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, North Karelia constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 4889955 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Haaranen Arto / CENT / Ilomantsi, Hiltunen Hilkka / CENT / Ilomantsi, Hoskonen Hannu / CENT / Ilomantsi, Ihalainen Heimo / CENT / Ilomantsi, ..., Memonen Lauri / PS / Valtimo (1542)
    2. Voting district: Ilomantsi, Ilomantsi / Kirkonkylä eteläinen, Ilomantsi / Kirkonkylä pohjoinen, Ilomantsi / Maukkula, ..., Valtimo / Koko kunnan äänestysalue (129)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  131. 4.10. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, North Karelia constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 2219730 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Hassinen Heidi / KOK / Ilomantsi, Kahelin Matti / KOK / Ilomantsi, Koivuniemi Arvi / KOK / Ilomantsi, Koivuniemi-Piipponen Sinikka / KOK / Ilomantsi, ..., Kuokkanen Marketta / KD / Valtimo (1513)
    2. Voting district: Ilomantsi, Ilomantsi / Kirkonkylä, Ilomantsi / Maukkula, Ilomantsi / Naurisvaara - Hattuvaara, ..., Valtimo / Koko kunta (94)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  132. 4.10. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Central Finland constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 3750075 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Hyvönen Mervi / KESK / Hankasalmi, Häkkinen Markku / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hänninen Jukka / KESK / Hankasalmi, Hänninen Sanna / KESK / Hankasalmi, ..., Vesalainen Mika / CD / Äänekoski (2071)
    2. Voting district: Hankasalmi, Hankasalmi / Asema, Hankasalmi / Kirkonkylä, Hankasalmi / Niemisjärvi, ..., Äänekoski / Sumiainen (112)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  133. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Vaasa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 34335827 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Aho Jaakko / CENT / Alajärvi, Ahonen Esko / CENT / Alajärvi, Ala-Mattinen Mika / CENT / Alajärvi, Etula Anne-Mari / CENT / Alajärvi, ..., Takala Lea / PS / Ähtäri (4381)
    2. Voting district: Alajärvi, Alajärvi / Kirkonkylä I, Alajärvi / Kirkonkylä II, Alajärvi / Hoisko, ..., Ähtäri / Eteläinen (344)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  134. 4.11. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Vaasa constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 19200642 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Aho Jaakko / KOK / Alajärvi, Autio Ari / KOK / Alajärvi, Harju Kimmo / KOK / Alajärvi, Joensuu Jukka / KOK / Alajärvi, ..., Ylä-Pöntinen Tanja / KD / Ähtäri (4201)
    2. Voting district: Alajärvi, Alajärvi / Kirkonkylä I, Alajärvi / Kirkonkylä II, Alajärvi / Hoisko, ..., Ähtäri / Ähtäri (317)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  135. 4.11. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Oulu constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 11180548 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Alahautala Osmo / KESK / Alavieska, Brax Anna-Leena / KESK / Alavieska, Hannula Kaija / KESK / Alavieska, Hannus Jani / KESK / Alavieska, ..., Yrttiaho Jaana / CD / Ylivieska (3164)
    2. Voting district: Alavieska, Alavieska / Kirkonkylä, Haapajärvi, Haapajärvi / Haapajärvi, ..., Ylivieska / Pohjoinen (233)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  136. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Central Finland constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 7871794 Modified: 10/12/2012

    1. Candidate: Aitto-oja Sauli / CENT / Hankasalmi, Haavisto Johanna / CENT / Hankasalmi, Hytönen Johanna / CENT / Hankasalmi, Häkkinen Ari / CENT / Hankasalmi, ..., Kaijalainen Jouko / Others / Äänekoski (2282)
    2. Voting district: Hankasalmi, Hankasalmi / Asema, Hankasalmi / Kirkonkylä, Hankasalmi / Niemisjärvi, ..., Äänekoski / Sumiainen (141)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  137. 4.12. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Central Finland constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 4181067 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Elers Salla-Birgitta / KOK / Hankasalmi, Hämäläinen Jobelle / KOK / Hankasalmi, Korhonen Matti / KOK / Hankasalmi, Manninen Sari / KOK / Hankasalmi, ..., Turunen Ann-Niina / KD / Äänekoski (2147)
    2. Voting district: Hankasalmi, Hankasalmi / Asema, Hankasalmi / Kirkonkylä, Hankasalmi / Niemisjärvi, ..., Äänekoski / Sumiainen (128)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  138. 4.12. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2017, Lapland constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 3006361 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Candidate: Alamattila Jaakko / KESK / Enontekiö, Alatörmänen Seppo / KESK / Enontekiö, Eira-Keskitalo Satu-Marja / KESK / Enontekiö, Juuso Piia / KESK / Enontekiö, ..., Yrjänheikki Armi / VAS / Ylitornio (1619)
    2. Voting district: Enontekiö, Enontekiö / Hetta-Leppäjärvi-Palojoensuu, Enontekiö / Kaaresuvanto, Enontekiö / Kilpisjärvi, ..., Ylitornio / Raanujärvi (117)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  139. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Oulu constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 24522343 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Autio Helinä / CENT / Alavieska, Brax Anna-Leena / CENT / Alavieska, Hannula Kaija / CENT / Alavieska, Hannus Jani / CENT / Alavieska, ..., Åkerlund Katja / KD / Ylivieska (3792)
    2. Voting district: Alavieska, Alavieska / Kirkonkylä, Haapajärvi, Haapajärvi / Asemanseutu, ..., Ylivieska / Raudaskylän äänestysalue (281)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  140. 4.13. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Oulu constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 14057701 Modified: 3/3/2020

    1. Candidate: Murto Jari / KOK / Alavieska, Korpinen Arvi / KOK / Alavieska, Kotka Jorma / PS / Alavieska, Nahkala Kari / PS / Alavieska, ..., Åkerlund Mika / KD / Ylivieska (3543)
    2. Voting district: Alavieska, Alavieska / Kirkonkylä, Haapajärvi, Haapajärvi / Haapajärvi, ..., Ylivieska / Ylivieska (264)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal coincillor (6)

  141. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2008, Lapland constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 6818845 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Candidate: Aidantausta Esa / CENT / Enontekiö, Alamattila Jaakko / CENT / Enontekiö, Angeli Karri / CENT / Enontekiö, Eira-Keskitalo Satu-Marja / CENT / Enontekiö, ..., Lantto Timo Pekka / Others / Ylitornio (1758)
    2. Voting district: Enontekiö, Enontekiö / Hetta, Enontekiö / Kaaresuvanto, Enontekiö / Kilpisjärvi, ..., Ylitornio / Raanujärvi (164)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Valid ballots (10)

  142. 4.14. Candidates by voting district in Municipal elections 2012, Lapland constituency

    Select part: View table: Size: 3931071 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Candidate: Aaltonen Johanna / KOK / Enontekiö, Hautamäki Helinä / KOK / Enontekiö, Ikonen Pasi / KOK / Enontekiö, Mäkitalo Hannu / KOK / Enontekiö, ..., Yrjänheikki Armi / VAS / Ylitornio (1809)
    2. Voting district: Enontekiö, Enontekiö / Hetta, Enontekiö / Kaaresuvanto, Enontekiö / Kilpisjärvi, ..., Ylitornio / Raanujärvi (146)
    3. Data on voting: Number of candidate, Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, ..., Municipal councillor (6)

  143. Municipal elections 2008, data on voting

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 489377 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 976 009 Raanujärvi (2847)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Genders total, Males, Females, (3)

  144. 5.1. Municipal elections 2012, data on voting

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 445651 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 976 009 Raanujärvi (2584)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  145. 5.1. Municipal elections 2017, data on voting

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 544634 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 01 091 Kruununhaka A, ..., 13 976 Raanujärvi (2320)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  146. Municipal elections 2008, support for parties

    Select part: View table: Size: 3252593 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 976 009 Raanujärvi (2847)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, CENT, ..., Voters' associations (16)
    3. Support for parties: Number of candidates, Proportion of candidates, Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, ..., Proportion of advance votes (6)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  147. 5.2. Municipal elections 2012, support for parties

    Select part: View table: Size: 3328175 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 976 009 Raanujärvi (2584)
    2. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (18)
    4. Support for parties: Number of candidates, Proportion of candidates, Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, ..., Proportion of advance votes (6)

  148. 5.2. Municipal elections 2017, support for parties

    Select part: View table: Size: 2972938 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 01 091 Kruununhaka A, ..., 13 976 Raanujärvi (2320)
    2. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (17)
    4. Support for parties: Number of candidates, Proportion of candidates, Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, ..., Proportion of advance votes (6)

  149. Municipal elections 2008, number of elected councillors

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 134401 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 976 Ylitornio (347)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, CENT, ..., Voters' associations (16)
    3. Number of elected councillors: Number of elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  150. 5.3. Numbers and percentage shares of elected councillors by party and constituency in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 140379 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 976 Ylitornio (319)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (18)
    3. Number of elected councillors: Number of elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    4. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  151. 5.3. Numbers and percentage shares of elected councillors by party and constituency in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 146443 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 976 Ylitornio (308)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (17)
    3. Number of elected councillors: Number of elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    4. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  152. Number and percentage shares of votes by party, voting turnout by constituency in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4794 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Constituency: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 02 Uusimaa constituency, 03 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., 15 Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes cast, (2)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, CENT, ..., Persons entitled to vote, total (17)

  153. 5.4. Numbers of votes cast for parties, voting turnout, and numbers of elected councillors by municipality in Municipal elections 2012 and change from previous elections

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 109218 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Constituency and municipality: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 976 Ylitornio (319)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion, Change from previous elections, Number of elected councillors, (4)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Persons entitled to vote, turnout (19)

  154. 5.4. Numbers of votes cast for parties, voting turnout, and numbers of elected councillors by municipality in Municipal elections 2017 and change from previous elections

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 121450 Modified: 6/5/2017

    1. Constituency and municipality: Mainland Finland, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 976 Ylitornio (308)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion, Change from previous elections, Number of elected councillors, (4)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Persons entitled to vote, turnout (18)

  155. Number and percentage shares of elected councillors by party and constituency in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4259 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Constituency: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 02 Uusimaa constituency, 03 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., 15 Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Number: Elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    3. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Voters' associations (16)

  156. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and party in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4601 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, CENT, ..., Voters' associations (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  157. 5.5. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and party in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 6335 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (18)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  158. 5.5. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and party in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 11241 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (17)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  159. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and constituency in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4486 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  160. 5.6. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and constituency in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 5791 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  161. 5.6. Age distribution of elected councillors by sex and constituency in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 10924 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (13)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    3. Age group: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., Members of Parliament (15)

  162. Number of votes cast for parties, voting turnout, and number of elected councillors by municipality in Municipal elections 2008 and change from the previous elections

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 95919 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (389)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion, Change from previous elections, Number of elected councillors, (4)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, CENT, ..., Persons entitled to vote, total (13)

  163. Number of votes cast for the parties and number of councillors by municipality (minor parties), invalid ballots and advance voters in Municipal elections in 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 61578 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (389)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast, Proportion, Number of elected councillors, (3)
    3. Data on voting and support for parties: Total, SSP, IP, KTP, ..., Persons who voted in advance (10)

  164. Persons entitled to vote and persons who voted by sex, valid ballots, municipal councillors and advance votes by party and the number of voting districts and invalid ballots by municipality in the Municipal elections in 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 320053 Modified: 12/3/2009

    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (389)
    2. Number: Number / Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes cast, Elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, ..., Elected councillors 2004 (8)
    3. Data on voting and support for parties: Districts, Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Invalid ballots (24)

  165. 5.7. Persons entitled to vote and persons who voted by sex, valid ballots, elected councillors and advance votes by party and number of invalid ballots by municipality in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 321477 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Constituency and municipality: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (361)
    2. Number: Number / Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes cast, Elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, ..., Elected councillors 2008 (8)
    3. Data on voting and support for parties: Districts, Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Invalid ballots (26)

  166. 5.7. Persons entitled to vote and persons who voted by sex, valid ballots, elected councillors and advance votes by party and number of invalid ballots by municipality in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 319907 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Constituency and municipality: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (345)
    2. Number: Number / Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes cast, Elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, ..., Elected councillors 2012 (8)
    3. Data on voting and support for parties: Districts, Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Invalid ballots (25)

  167. Election statistics for female candidates by party and municipality in the Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 170319 Modified: 12/30/2009

    1. Municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (389)
    2. Party: Total, CENT, KOK, SDP, ..., Voters' associations (16)
    3. Information: Votes cast, Proportion of votes (%), Candidates, Proportion of candidates (%), ..., Proportion of elected councillors (%) (6)

  168. 5.8. Election statistics for candidates by party and municipality and sex in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 508031 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Municipality: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (361)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, PS, ..., Constituency associations (18)
    3. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)
    4. Information: Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes (%), Number of Candidates, Proportion of candidates (%), ..., Proportion of elected councillors (%) (6)

  169. 5.8. Election statistics for candidates by party and municipality and sex in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 482687 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Municipality: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 976 Ylitornio (345)
    2. Party: Total, KESK, KOK, PS, ..., Others (17)
    3. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)
    4. Information: Number of votes cast, Proportion of votes (%), Kandidater, Proportion of candidates (%), ..., Proportion of elected councillors (%) (6)

  170. Earlier council experience of elected municipal councillors by municipality type, sex and party in the Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4186 Modified: 12/30/2009

    1. Information: Councillors total, Members of the previous council, Sitting members of Parliament, (3)
    2. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)
    3. Municipality type: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, (4)
    4. Parties and voter's associations: Total, CENT, KOK, SDP, ..., Voters' associations (16)

  171. 5.9. Earlier council experience of elected municipal councillors by type of municipality, sex and party in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 5484 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Information: Councillors total, Members of the previous council, Sitting members of Parliament, (3)
    2. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Municipality type: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, (4)
    4. Parties and voter's associations: Total, KOK, SDP, PS, ..., Constituency associations (18)

  172. 5.9. Earlier council experience of elected municipal councillors by type of municipality, sex and party in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 13454 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Information: Councillors total, Members of the previous council, Sitting memebers of Parliament, (3)
    2. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Area: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, (4)
    4. Parties and constituency associations: Total, KESK, KOK, PS, ..., Constituency associations (17)

  173. Invalid ballots by reason and constituency in the Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 5300 Modified: 12/30/2009

    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 153 Rural municipalities (57)
    2. Reason of discard: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  174. 5.10. Discarded ballots by reason and constituency in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 5876 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 153 Rural municipalities (57)
    2. Reason of discard: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  175. 5.10. Discarded ballots by reason and constituency in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 12469 Modified: 5/5/2017

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 133 Rural municipalities (50)
    2. Hylkäysperuste: Discarded total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  176. Advance voters by polling station and constituency in the Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 10503 Modified: 12/30/2009

    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 153 Rural municipalities (57)
    2. Polling station: All advance polling stations, All advance polling stations, men, Municipal/City Hall, Municipal/City Hall, men, ..., Institution, men (26)

  177. 5.11. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 26054 Modified: 5/5/2017

    1. constituency: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 133 Rural municipalities (50)
    2. sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Äänestyspaikka: All advance polling stations, Municipal/City Hall, Library in shopping centre, Library not in shopping centre, ..., Institution (20)

  178. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in the Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 3917 Modified: 12/30/2009

    1. Voting place: TOTAL, Representations, Ships, EUROPE, ..., Australia (90)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  179. 5.12. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4268 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Voting place: TOTAL, Representations, Ships, EUROPE, ..., Australia (86)
    2. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)

  180. 5.12. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 12095 Modified: 5/5/2017

    1. Voting place: TOTAL, Representations, Ships, EUROPE, ..., Australia (88)
    2. Äänestäneet: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)

  181. Foreigners entitled to vote and those who voted by constituency in the Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 5705 Modified: 12/30/2009

    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 153 Rural municipalities (57)
    2. Information: Foreigners entitled to vote, total, Foreigners entitled to vote, other EU country, Foreigners entitled to vote, Iceland and Norway, Foreigners entitled to vote, other country, ..., Foreigners who voted, other country (8)

  182. 5.13. Foreigners entitled to vote and those who voted by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 9910 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 153 Rural municipalities (57)
    2. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Foreigners entitled to vote, total, Foreigners entitled to vote, other EU country, Foreigners entitled to vote, Iceland and Norway, Foreigners entitled to vote, other country, ..., Foreigners who voted, other country (8)

  183. 5.13. Foreigners entitled to vote and those who voted by constituency and sex in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 19131 Modified: 5/5/2017

    1. constituency: Mainland Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 133 Rural municipalities (50)
    2. sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Foreigners entitled to vote, total, Foreigners entitled to vote, other EU country, Foreigners entitled to vote, Iceland and Norway, Foreigners entitled to vote, other country, ..., Foreigners who voted, other country (8)

  184. 5.14. Names, votes, Candidates and council seats of the non-partisan voters assosations in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 12256 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. Voters associations: Mainland Finland / Total, Helsinki constituency / Total, Helsinki / Total, Helsinki / Edistyspuolueen yhteislista, ..., Tornio / Pro Tornio - kuntalaisen parhaaksi yhteislista (196)
    2. Information: Votes, Candidates, Councillors, (3)

  185. 5.14. Names, votes, Candidates and council seats of the non-partisan voters assosations in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 37117 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Constituency associations: Mainland Finland / Total, Helsinki constituency / Total, Helsinki / Total, Helsinki / Edistyksellistä Helsinkiä -yhteislista, ..., Pello / Tuomo Waara (227)
    2. Information: Votes, Candidates, Councillors, (3)

  186. 5.15. Names, votes, Candidates and council seats of the non-partisan voters assosations in Municipal elections 2008

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 14940 Modified: 3/14/2013

    1. Voters associations: Mainland Finland / Total, Helsinki constituency / Total, Helsinki / Total, Helsinki / Suomen Islamilaisen Puolueen yhteislista, ..., Ylitornio / Yhteislista Ylitornion kunnan puolesta (239)
    2. Information: Votes, Candidates, Councillors, (3)

  187. 6.1. Municipal elections 2008, analysis

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 62359 Modified: 10/23/2012

    1. Year: 2008, (1)
    2. Area: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    3. Party: KOK, SDP, KESK, VIHR, ..., Others (9)
    4. Classification variable: Strong support for the National Coalition Party, Medium support for the National Coalition Party, Weak support for the National Coalition Party, Strong support for the Social Democratic Party, ..., Low unemployment (42)
    5. Data: Support %, Change in support %, (2)

  188. 6.1. Municipal elections 2012, analysis

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 64198 Modified: 11/2/2012

    1. Year: 2012, (1)
    2. Area: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    3. Party: KOK, SDP, KESK, PS, ..., Others (9)
    4. Classification variable: Strong support for the National Coalition Party, Medium support for the National Coalition Party, Weak support for the National Coalition Party, Strong support for the Social Democratic Party, ..., Low unemployment (42)
    5. Data: Support %, Change in support %, (2)

  189. 6.1. Municipal elections 2017, analysis

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 62735 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. Year: 2017, (1)
    2. Area: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (13)
    3. Party: KOK, SDP, KESK, VIHR, ..., Other parties, constituency associations (9)
    4. Classification variable: Strong support for the National Coalition Party, Medium support for the National Coalition Party, Weak support for the National Coalition Party, Strong support for the Social Democratic Party, ..., Low unemployment (42)
    5. Data: Support %, Change in support %, (2)

  190. 7.1. Municipal elections 2012, data on voting by region

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 56784 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Uusimaa Region, 018 Askola, 049 Espoo, ..., 976 Ylitornio (323)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  191. 7.1. Municipal elections 2017, data on voting by region

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 72686 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Uusimaa Region, 018 Askola, 049 Espoo, ..., 976 Ylitornio (314)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (11)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  192. 7.2. Municipal elections 2012, support for parties by region

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 430251 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Uusimaa Region, 018 Askola, 049 Espoo, ..., 976 Ylitornio (323)
    2. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (18)
    4. Support for parties: Number of candidates, Proportion of candidates, Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, ..., Proportion of advance votes (6)

  193. 7.2. Municipal elections 2017, support for parties by region

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 416121 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Uusimaa Region, 018 Askola, 049 Espoo, ..., 976 Ylitornio (314)
    2. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (17)
    4. Support for parties: Number of candidates, Proportion of candidates, Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, ..., Proportion of advance votes (6)

  194. 7.3. Numbers and percentage shares of elected councillors by party and region in Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 142075 Modified: 3/19/2014

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Uusimaa Region, 018 Askola, 049 Espoo, ..., 976 Ylitornio (323)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (18)
    3. Number of elected councillors: Number of elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    4. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  195. 7.3. Numbers and percentage shares of elected councillors by party and region in Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 149362 Modified: 4/21/2017

    1. District: Mainland Finland, 01 Uusimaa Region, 018 Askola, 049 Espoo, ..., 976 Ylitornio (314)
    2. Number of elected councillors: Number of elected councillors, Proportion of elected councillors, (2)
    3. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, KESK, ..., Constituency associations (17)
    4. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  196. 1. Election map data by municipality - Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 41894 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: Mainland Finland, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (305)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Young (18 to 34) accounted for municipal councilors (25)

  197. 1. Election map data by municipality - Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 56274 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Municipality: Mainland Finland, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (296)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Party with the most votes, The largest group of council, ..., Constituency (26)

  198. 2. Election map data by constituency - Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 6255 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Young (18 to 34) accounted for municipal councilors (25)

  199. 2. Election map data by constituency - Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 14926 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Constituency: Mainland Finland, VP01 Helsinki constituency, VP02 Uusimaa constituency, VP03 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., VP13 Lapland constituency (13)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Party with the most votes, The largest group of council, ..., Young (18 to 35) accounted for municipal councilors (25)

  200. 3. Election map data by constituency and municipality - Municipal elections 2012

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 44835 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: Mainland Finland, Helsinki constituency, ...Helsinki, Uusimaa constituency, ..., ...Ylitornio (319)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Young (18 to 34) accounted for municipal councilors (25)

  201. 3. Election map data by constituency and municipality - Municipal elections 2017

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 58878 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Constituency and municipality: Mainland Finland, VP01 Helsinki constituency, Helsinki, VP02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., Ylitornio (308)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Party with the most votes, The largest group of council, ..., Young (18 to 35) accounted for municipal councilors (25)

  202. 4.1. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Greater Helsinki region.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 26576 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 091 001A Kruununhaka A, 091 002A Kruununhaka B, 091 003A Kaartinkaupunki, 091 004A Kamppi, ..., 235 003 3. Äänestysalue (291)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  203. 4.1. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Greater Helsinki region.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 53403 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 091 001A Kruununhaka A, 091 002A Kruununhaka B, 091 003A Kaartinkaupunki, 091 004A Kamppi, ..., 235 003 3. Äänestysalue (301)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  204. 4.2. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Tampere.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 8220 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 837 001 Aleksanterin koulu, 837 002 Aleksanterin koulu, 837 003 Aleksanterin koulu, 837 004 Amurin koulu, ..., 837 063 Terälahden koulu (63)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  205. 4.2. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Tampere.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 17461 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 837 001 Tammerkoski, 837 002 Keskusta, 837 003 Kaakinmaa, 837 004 Santalahti, ..., 837 067 Terälahti (67)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  206. 4.3. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Oulu.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 15778 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 564 001 Pokkinen, 564 002 Vanhatulli, 564 003 Vaara, 564 004 Myllytulli, ..., 564 055 Salonpää (55)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  207. 4.3. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Turku.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 7455 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 853 001 Katedralskolan i Åbo, 853 002 Turun ammatti-instituutti, 853 003 Työväenopisto, 853 004 Martin koulu, ..., 853 059 Kristillinen opisto (54)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  208. 4.4. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Oulu.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 7300 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 564 001 Pokkinen, 564 002 Vanhatulli, 564 003 Vaara, 564 004 Myllytulli, ..., 564 057 Yli-Ii (57)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  209. 4.4. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Turku.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 16751 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 853 001 Kerttulin vanhainkoti, 853 002 Kerttulin koulutalo, 853 003 Turun suomenkielinen työväenopisto, 853 004 Martin koulutalo, ..., 853 059 Kristillinen opisto (49)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  210. 4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Jyväskylä.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 5806 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 179 001 Kirkkopuisto, 179 002 Harju, 179 003 Puistotori, 179 004 Taulumäki, ..., 179 039 Korpilahden kirkonkylä (39)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  211. 4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Jyväskylä.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 12047 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 179 001 Kirkkopuisto, 179 002 Harju, 179 003 Puistotori, 179 004 Taulumäki, ..., 179 030 Korpilahti (30)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  212. 4.6. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Lahti.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4493 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 398 001 Keski-Lahti, 398 002 Keskusta, 398 003 Kartano, 398 004 Paavola, ..., 398 024 Jalkaranta (24)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  213. 4.6. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Lahti.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 11958 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 398 001 Keski-Lahti, 398 002 Keskusta, 398 003 Kartano, 398 004 Paavola, ..., 398 031 Nastonharju (31)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  214. 4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Kuopio.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 6554 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 297 001 Väinölänniemen Tyvi, 297 002 Maljalahti, 297 004 Keskusta, 297 005 Kuopionlahti, ..., 297 092 Nilsiä II (47)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  215. 4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Kuopio.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 15187 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 297 001 Väinölänniemen Tyvi, 297 002 Maljalahti, 297 004 Keskusta, 297 006 Valkeinen, ..., 297 100 Juankoski III (49)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  216. 4.8. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Kouvola.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 4540 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 286 001 Kaupungintalo, 286 002 Urheilupuisto, 286 003 Eskolanmäki, 286 004 Vahtero, ..., 286 023 Jaala (23)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  217. 4.8. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Kouvola.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 11010 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 286 001 Kaupungintalo, 286 002 Urheilupuisto, 286 003 Eskolanmäki, 286 004 Vahtero, ..., 286 023 Jaala (23)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  218. 4.9. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2012, Pori.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 5550 Modified: 11/1/2012

    1. District: 609 001 Keskikaupunki, 609 002 Teljä ja Malminpää, 609 003 Itätulli, 609 004 Itäinen Riihiketo, ..., 609 034 Noormarkku (34)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, SDP-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)

  219. 4.9. Election map data by voting district in the Municipal elections 2017, Pori.

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 12750 Modified: 4/20/2017

    1. Voting district: 609 001 Keskikaupunki ja Itätulli, 609 002 Teljä ja Malminpää, 609 003 ItäinenRiihiketo, Läntinen Riihiketo, 609 004 Isosanta ja Pormestarinluoto, ..., 609 031 Lavia (31)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Party with the most votes, KESK-Proportion of votes cast, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Others-Proportion of votes cast (11)