127h -- Household population's risk of poverty indicators by person's household's life-cycle, 1990-2020
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20211215 08.00
- Household's stage in life: All households, 1 One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 4 Other households (13)
- Relative at risk of poverty threshold: 40 % of the median equivalent income of all households, 50 % of the median equivalent income of all households, 60 % of the median equivalent income of all households, (3)
- Income concept: Disposable cash income (excl. capital gains), Disposable cash income (incl. capital gains, sample-based data), Disposable income (incl. imputed rents and capital gains, sample-based data), (3)
- Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2020 (31)
- Information: Persons at risk of poverty, At-risk-of-poverty rate, Median income of the population at risk of poverty, At risk of poverty gap, ..., Number of persons at-risk-of-poverty in the sample (6)